(#) ladysavay 2013-08-20

I am so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you finish healing very soon.

Good stuff, here. I love your courtroom bits.

I really hope Al is having a heart attack and hasn't thought up some kind of plan to either gain sympathy for his causes (or himself) or just get out of Dodge, as it were.

Anxiuosly awaiting more. Thanks for writing.

Author's response

Heya ladysavay,

Thanks for your kind words. What will come will come. Actually as I have broken seventy three bones during my life (not counting these four), it’s not all that big a deal for me anymore. It just hurts.

Albie really did have a heart attack. I needed him in St. Mungo’s for his last confrontation with Harry, so when several people suggested I have him face the evidence of his stupidity, I figured ‘That’ll work!’ When he saw it, he realized he’d been played like a fish, and the strain was too much for his ticker. While there might be some sympathizers, (I mean, there are people who still believe GW Bush wasn’t a moron failing the course for idiot, third class.) he’s still dealing with that nasty dark arts curse to his hand. He ain’t got long for this (sic) world.

More is coming.
