(#) rb8 2013-08-20
Great story. Agree with all your points RE: imperius. Hope your recovery is going well. Get a good lawyer, preferably not one that has to advertise on TV!
Author's response
Heya rb8.
Thanks. Happy to see you.
Imperius: I can’t really see it any other way.
I have a representitive. Since I’m a veteran and the VA here is better than most, my medical treatment is taken care of. As for legal, I might have dropped a bug in the local union rep’s ear. Even though I’m not union any more, I feel they can do more to get this clown off the streets than a single lawyer could. According to what I was told, they’re going for him losing his company, and the distinct possibility of never getting another license, rather than any specific payments to me. I can deal with that. Too many people have been hurt by his neglegence. It’s gotta stop.