(#) zamia 2013-08-28

Where would we be without the legal fraternity (love 'em or hate 'em). Good to see Amelia acting human. Nice way for Fenrir to depart and Voldie is now mouldy (credit to Peeves). Good to see the daughter looking after the cranky old man. Enjoy while you can. Cheers.

Author's response

Heya Z!
Everybody gives a ration of shit to the legists…until we need them. That’s one of the reasons I feature Carolyn in my stories. Without her, the state of Califpornya would have taken my daughter from me simply because I was male.

On the other hand, there are those like Cheatham and Grabbitt, who give credence to the thought ~First, we must kill all the lawyers! (Macbeth; act 1 scene IV (I think)~

Amelia: Yeah, I’ve seen too many former cops (and Marines for that matter) Lose their sense of humour after having been on the job too long. Connie is her Jiminy Cricket. She’s also the best bud who will slap the crap out of her if she does somenting stupid.

Fenrir: Is the closest thing to a pedaphile in canon. According to the books, he’s utterly psychotic, and so the best thing for the rest…for the greater good, as it were, wopuld be to remove him from this mortal coil as painfully as possible.

Daughter: We made a deal. She leaves me be and I don’t show her boyfriends the sixty second drill.

And I will.
