Review for Eroninja


(#) thegreatbubbaj 2013-12-23

Hello there my good sir, I just recently rediscovered this fine piece of work and I cannot properly express my gratitude at you continuing such a fine piece, even with the multitude of setbacks experienced. I quite enjoyed the chapter, but I must ask if this signifies the scraping of Kiba's harem? Personally I had no trouble with him obtaining one, as you said it was likely him and Naruto would eventually get along well. Even if he were to, er, 'recruit' a woman that would be vital to The Dream, she would likely help out anyways.

At any rate, I quite like Kabuto in this, as he is the kind of greasy opponent needed to keep things from remaining all rainbows and sunshine. I also feel as though he would be the kind who would act as though him and Naruto are the best of friends when meeting, if for nothing other than to annoy him. Should this story ever draw to a close (hopefully not anytime soon), I could see him thinking of himself as a hero in his own right, finding great entertainment in messing with Naruto every few decades in the resultant peace of the nations. Either that or be the pesky enemy that never goes away and remains a legitamate threat that helps speed along the final peace. Or perhaps I am wrongly commending him, he is a slimy one after all.

I wonder, as I fell out of touch with the manga when things started contradicting the basic rules set down at the start of things, can the Revivals recover from something like what was done to them here here? Something like Gaara's sand but on a much more powerful and continuous As a side thought, Hidan must be rolling in his grave at how wildly irrelevant his God's greatest gift has become, they are pretty much handing immortality out now. Well, to the villains.

All the horrible things that Kabuto is now capable of...though, I don't see him likely to properly revive anyone when they are more useful as easily controlled immortal puppets. Orochimaru perhaps? That woman that was his mother at the orphanage?

At any rate, looking forward to your next update. Should you wish to respond, I am afraid I have yet to figure out this site's messaging system, or even if it has one. Although I am still active on fanfiction, soon to get off my lazy ass and put out a story even! though soon is relative...well, enough of my self important trivialities, farewell my fine fellow!