Review for Eroninja


(#) xxconfusionxsucksxx 2013-12-23

thanks for an early gift update for xmas..i really enjoy the good to know that there are also waiting room for the non harem that wants to join Naruto also..i didn't expect for an update early but really wish to have one and you gave us a story that we really that the this arc has ended and a new one's gonna start now..i'm really excited and looking forward to it..i think it's also quite good if nono appear and become one of Naruto's harem to despite Kabuto..Natsumi of the Star village is also quite appealing to be included to the harem but she's already dead..just want to say..haha..mmm..enjoy xmas and have a good break but dont stop to entertain us on this story of yours that we quite fond of reading and enjoying every chapter..

on the chapter's great about the event happened..and Kabuto stir annoyance to me..but he made a good villain here that makes you want to squeeze him to death just like obito..hahaha..'s nice reading and happy 50th successful chapter..