Review for Eroninja


(#) n0mster 2013-12-24

Another amazing chapter, it's definitely nice to have an early Christmas present, haha. Anyway, it was great to see a resolution to the Suna/Gaara conflict, though obviously the underlying problem with the respective Daimyo continues to lurk.

The romantic issues between Gaara and Sari were also resolved nicely, they both had understandable problems with their relationship and this recent arc has highlighted this and allowed them to move past it once it's been made obvious to them that the other is more important to them than their own insecurities.

I also liked how Temari's feelings for Naruto have been reaffirmed and made stronger by his actions due to Gaara's imprisonment and slated execution. Fortunately Naruto acted as he did else Temari and Kankuro would've died quite ignominiously due to to Senjumaru's preparations.

Senjumaru's battle prowess were also displayed to quite intriguing lengths this chapter, her ability to control even more than 30 puppets simultaneously was an impressive feat and it appears that her own personality and beliefs are nowhere near as irredeemable as the corrupt politician that she was slated with protecting. She still owes her loyalty to the Wind Daimyo, but it's obvious based on her professed thoughts that this is more based on her wish to be controlled by the fewest number of 'puppeteers' than anything. Given Naruto's own beliefs and ambitions, I'm sure she'll find him even more attractive in the future, especially since being part of his harem would extremely in-line with her own wishes.

It's also intriguing to see that Kabuto had in fact engineered the recent debacle with Gaara and Joseki's assassination on his own. Even though the Wind Daimyo did in fact work to undermine Gaara's leadership and the relationship between Suna and Konoha, it was Kabuto who managed to inflame the situation to significantly greater extent.

The battle between the resurrected Kazekages and Gaara/Naruto (I noted there was at least one instance where you accidentally called them Hokage) was enthralling. There's not much known about the 1st and 2nd Kazekage, but your rendition of them and their abilities was certainly interesting. The Kazekage that stood out the most was of course the Sandaime, with his history and flashback together with Hiruzen. Your fleshing out on the circumstances surrounding the treaty between Konoha and Suna which eventually led up to the Suna alliance with Oto and culminating in their strike against Konoha, was in fact based on a joint belief and hope that the one aspect of their treaty, the joint Chunin Exams would hopefully lead to interactions between the 'opposing' ninja and eventually friendship. The Sandaime's realisation that his and Hiruzen's hopes had in fact been realized in the opponents before him was extremely heartwarming and satisfying, especially when this was reflected in the Edo Tensei failing in him.

Another significant event in their fight was the Yondaime Kazekage also realizing his error and finally professing to Gaara the truth regarding his mother and uncle, which was another resolution to something that had surely been nagging at Gaara his whole life. That the battle also ended with his mother alive has a ton of potential, and of course I'm hoping that with Karura's move to Konoha, she'll be exposed to more Naruto which will eventually lead to her joining his harem and ambition.

Naruto's new skill in his Imploding Shadow Clone no doubt increases his battle potential significantly, as illustrated in its pivotal role in subduing the various Kazekage. I had wondered why Naruto didn't use more of his shadow clones in the battle, and my question was answered when Naruto responded with his new ability.

Yukata's entry into Naruto's harem gives him some greatly needed 'womanpower' in Suna and given the many other Suna Kunoichi who have enjoyed the 'Ghost's' touch, as you said, Naruto will no doubt be able to find many more willing candidates for his harem.

The development between Aeris and Kiba was interesting in that it'll no doubt lead to Aeris's voluntary return to the Inuzuka, thus displaying to Kiba her willingness to start/continue their relationship. I think that Yuffie joining Kiba is becoming more and more implausible and that should it occur, it'll seem rather forced unless the response to her return to Taki is really negative, and only then if Kiba is integral to her surviving Taki's reaction. I also don't think that Kiyomi should re-extend her youthening of the Taki-nin should they return, unless it's a one-time only deal, and it's not permanent youth like Naruto's lovers. This based on her and Naruto's own beliefs regarding immortality; with them already wanting to limit Naruto's lovers ability to procreate and the immortal factor to Naruto's lovers (and certain members of their current family). Then again, Kiba is Tsume's son, and immortality might be extended to him, but I hope not.

I also liked the little hints as to Naruto's future lovers in the omake, I had been wondering when Mei would make an appearance, since she is after all one of the only female Kages ever, and in canon appears to be looking for a suitable mate. It also does give me hope as to the future with Anko, I had hoped that her problem with Naruto would be resolved by now, but I understand that some issues cannot be rushed. Hopefully she won't do anything drastic in the interim and her reconciliation with Naruto won't be a painful one.

As always, looking forward to your next update, they're always something I look forward to, and I understand why you'd want a break from writing after churning out such quality and quantity of chapters. Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Aeris and Yuffie