Review for Eroninja


(#) Real-Steel-Kouryuo 2013-12-24

50 chapters and so far there's no sign of this story slowing down. I have to say that there are some worries I have because most stories, regardless if they are lemon fanfiction or not, tend to stop after this many chapter or even about 20 chapters and some of those stories were definitely awesome in reading.

Those worries are erased when I see this story updated. I only say this because I want it to be known how much I enjoy reading this story and it's not just the love scenes. Considering how the events are playing out for all those involved, especially how you handle the fact of Naruto's ability to fully resurrect those brought back by Edo Tensei. Very intricate and thought-out while most would throw something together that is barely acceptable.

Overall, I know you plan on taking a break for a while but I eagerly await the next update of this awesome and epic story.