Review for Eroninja


(#) Akuma-Heika 2014-01-07

Another child? Has he married Mito already? From memory she was his fiancé until sometime after the founding of Konoha.

Edo Tensei not Endo. You got it right everywhere else so I am assuming typo. Typo happened twice.

How would a seal transfer like a virus from mere contact several times over?

Considering Tsunade luck at gambling it wouldn’t surprise me that Mito is bad as well lol.

The spinning musketballs would work better as shells. As a sphere the drilling effect is almost completely lost.

Why was the Sandaime surprised? What were his reasons? Somewhat explained.

Someone is a fan of BLEACH lol. Cannot remember his name. He is the third seat of squad eleven though.

Instead of via using wind chakra I think removing the using would make the sentence better…at the same time I do not believe it is a very big grammatical issue either way.

Kiri? Who taught Naruto; was it Haku?

Why would the Sage Wind Chakra cause an implosion from the clones death? If it was alive than that would make some sense, but the wind chakra would have no overriding will directing it in order to be compressed. In all likelihood the laws of physics suggest that it would explode.

How did Mito pick the Shinigami’s lock without the key?

Did Mito’s sacrifice show up when she was revived? I cannot see any mention of it but you have written in ch50 that both her and Haku’s sacrifice was also revived (Kin in Haku’s case).

Should Shizune have not used the name Shukaku? They are in another village and even in their own they would have to be careful of using her name in connection with Shukaku.

How were there multiple sand users? Then again they have the magnetic user and gold user. The sand thing with Karura is new though.

Why would the Raikage need time to prepare what he has known for at least a few months if not a few years?

By the way not boy the way. Funny typos lol.

Sorry this took so long. Thanksfor the chapter! Onto ch51!