Review for Eroninja


(#) FicWader 2014-05-29

Seems to me rather silly how easy it was to take down Naruto honestly. As you have Naruto portrayed as matured enough to think so deep on things that he read Chiriku correctly and even prompted praise from Kakashi I dont see your Naruto failing for a simple lie and leave his back unguarded enough that an enemy shinobi that he knows for 20sec is able to stick a syringe with drug into him. Not to mention he could instantly hiraishin away before the liquid could be even squeezed out, as he is faster or at least as fast as anyone he could end up facing, or he could hiraishin away before the drug put him down in those few seconds.
I just dont see Sora getting the drop on him realistically, more so when he suspected something since the conversation with Chiriku.