Review for Eroninja


(#) Incandescence 2014-05-29

Oh wow, so she sucked in his Chakra and is now under the effect of the Temptation's Touch? WHOOOPS! Also Naruto's chakra somehow revived her like it's done to Edo-Tensei people? Does that mean it's not the Kyuubi's Chakra but Naruto's that has that effect, or perhaps a combination of the two?!

Also poor Kushina, I feel for her : / It's gotta be tough.

The sora thing is a bit of a twist, it wasn't like that in canon was it? I haven't seen it but I don't think so. But it's believable, I mean, how many people who grow up surrounded by hate can overcome it? Not many... if we take Naruto as a Paragon, the pinnacle of morality somehow, then if you're normal you're not likely to come out like him. So Sora turned bad!

I wonder if he'll get the Naruto Talk like Gaara and turn good or if he's too far gone? He seems more controlled and thought out than Gaara did so I doubt it.

As always thank you for the effort you put into this and for the entertainment I've got out of it ^_^