Review for Eroninja


(#) Europefan01 2014-06-09

For one thing mi amingo, I totally understood why Naruto taken down easily by an strategically tough opponent like Sora. In fact, this proves the theory of strong ninjas like him is normal, not godlike and eventually get caught before he expected.

Besides, situations like this happens in missions from the military giving the meaning: POW-Prisoners Of War and MIA-Missing In Action. When things get really worse, KIA-Killed In Action. Same thing with the Police and FBI Forces. Like I said before in my last review, you made the entire NARUTO Series based on real life events that we humans encountered, endured and survived to make us better individuals. In other words, What doesn't kill you make you stronger right?

Furthermore, some readers who review this current chapter really need to learn to use observation and analyzing methods to completely understand the story. In other words, Never jump into conclusions AFTER you find out the facts from a certain source.

This all I got to say mi amingo, and keep up the excellent work. And still looking forward to the next chapter.
