Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) Jonn_Wolfe 2014-06-14

This has been a fun romp, and even though it's been a few years since this has been updated, I hope the conclusion will come.

Some of this has had my neighbors wondering if I've gone mad, I've laughed so hard.

Please do finish this, because I want to 'see' the look on Riddle's face when he realizes that he's about to implode from all the different allures, pulls, and etcetera, just before Harry looks at him and says "Get Outta My Town!" then vaporizes him on the spot.

Shame about Cho and Marietta. Realize they were bitches, but to have them die simply because they were forgotten was a touch cold.

Anyway.... hope you're still writing. Ta!