Review for The Pride

The Pride

(#) weird-d 2014-09-30

You know, you mentioned Ino and Karin's characterization in canon and how you're attempting to keep them true in this story, especially Karin. Then seriously, you must be ripping your own hair out at Sakura still pining for Sasuke in the recent manga chapter. Though one could argue that Sasuke knocking her out again before leaving could be the last straw that causes her to snap out of it, I think it's unlikely, and Sakura is doomed to remain hopelessly in love with the emo - kinda makes the more mature version you're showing here difficult to believe. Honestly, I think your Sakuras (this one and Eroninja's) would bitch slap and kick canon Sakura's ass for being such a moron if they ever met.
LOL as I'm typing this, I'm thinking it would be fun if you had both Narutos and their harems meet.

Author's response

You know surprisingly I'm not. Granted I wasn't thrilled by it, but I suppose it was Sasuke's response that was most telling where he stated he wasn't even sure why she cared so much for him.

But ultimately I do feel that much of Sakura affection for Sasuke is primarily due to a case of mistaken identity. I mean going back to the very begin where the henged Naruto told her how cute he found her forehead. I think it in a sense was kind of like when Minato told Kushina about her red-hair, but seeing as he was wearing Sasuke's face it left an impression on her for all the wrong reasons.

For Sakura though it created a fantasy where inside the dark boy was a sweet one trying to get out, and although Sakura did come to care for Sasuke as a teammate. It was also with this notion that deep down he cared for her as well, with everything else being attributed to his dark history or just being shy.

But admittedly it is still rather annoying to see both her and Naruto going on about what a great person he is and how important he is to them, when he's betrayed them multiple times now.