Review for Sets of Three, They Say...

Sets of Three, They Say...

(#) whatkatydid 2006-11-29

hehehhe I'm all soft and squidgy inside, this was awesome. The dream was weird but they always have meaning.

Then - Duh Duh Duhhhh - the email. wowza! Yikes! Cowabunga dude!


I'm the last to review, so as usual I'm just gonna go ahead and publicy disgrace myself: I SUCK. Cue awful backlash from the vulgar one.

Author's response

you don't make my day. duh. stop saying you suck. that sucks.

hey guess what? it's snnowing. it's pretty....

and cold. and walking across campus today, there were icicles dripping from my eyelashes.

can't say i enjoyed that so much.