Review for Harry Potter and the Sun Source

Harry Potter and the Sun Source

(#) PGHammer21 2020-10-07

You think that Remo Williams is a kvetcher? Please; Chiun is a much bigger one - even when Warren Murphy wrote the series alone when Pinnacle was still the publisher of record. (While Pinnacle was the ORIGINAL publisher, it was not the ONLY publisher - and is not the publisher of record today.) If it weren't improbable, I would think that Remo and Chiun give lessons to the authors of "The Young and the Restless" storyline - and as to why "Y&R" in particular, it is one of the few daytime dramas that is still around - with most of the original cast - from the early days of "The Destroyer" book series - and Chiun in particular was a notorious bingewatcher of them.)