Review for Tips For Dealing With Bad Anxiety Issues

Tips For Dealing With Bad Anxiety Issues

(#) NaedineFebruary 2024-09-29


Having read your absorbing Story, Quality Advice For Anyone Who Suffers From Anxiety , I found many things to admire in the weighty narrative and imaginative flair. Your storytelling is truly remarkable, and I really do think that it can reach a wider audience as a comic. I'm a commission artist with broad experience in converting literature into striking comic format. I will be proud to reformat your story into this dynamic format. Let me just take you through some of my portfolio samples of previous works. Your literature is a masterpiece, and as goes the proverb, A comic can capture the essence of the story, so that would add more power to your literature. I look forward to the possibility of working together. As I am open to commission I'd really appreciate that if you could commission me for this. Do message me on discord or twitter with your story name.

Here is my Contacts
discord : naedinefebruary
Twitter : naedinefebruary

Hope to hear back from you soon.