Review for Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer

(#) vaiwandil 2006-12-15

yeah, great! YOu're living up to your name!
finally an "action-story". might sound stupid but you're so much closer to the series than some of us (including me) are. Refreshing to go back to the roots! I can see this chapter in my minds eye! very well done! don't you dare saying it sucks!

Author's response

Thanks. Honestly I just picked that name because it was the first thing that popped into my head. I know that there are much better authors than me out there. If I could I would change it but it's kinda grown on me. lol:P I'm glad to know that I've got some of the facts right, at least so far. I'm glad that you're liking it so far. :)