Review for I don't think you're my drug.

I don't think you're my drug.

(#) FrostedGlass 2007-01-03

Thank you, Alex...


Totally loved these:

1)/My life was a fucking mess, and even people that I had only just met already looked down on me./ -> Self-doubts. Plus, she's not really the hard, I-don't-need-anybody-else kind of person that she seemed to be/ wants (?) to be at first. Very human. Very likable. Very good. :)

As the water droplets fell from the shower head, I felt my barrier to emotion go with it. My eyes glazed over, -> Hello, AMBIANCE! Sweet phrasing. Also very realistic situation.

Yeah, yeah... take the point. But don't brag... ;)

Author's response

I decided to do an ambiantic [Is that even a word?] chapter. I seem to write with ambiance better than anything else, so its what im sticking with. Whereas the funny parts come in small doses. You are amazing at HILARIOUS stuff, but im kinda more subtle funny. Its pathetic really. HAAA. But anyway, thanks for the review. Yours always make me smile, they are nice and long. x] xx