Review for Survivor


(#) Michelle 2006-04-23

I love gapfillers! And Faramir is a character I truly admire (or can relate to, whatever), but somehow I don't read much fanfic involving him. It impressed me that you were brave enough to write that in first person. It's seems this is a keypoint in his life, something very intimate and personal that it's hard to imerse yourself in his mind. At least I would guess so. But you absolutely convinced me!

Author's response

Thanx for reading and reviewing, Michelle. Faramir is my favorite human character in LOTR, and the one about whom I write the most. I hope to post more of my fanfic here soon.

First person is fairly easy for me to write. Besides, movie-Faramir is easier than book-Faramir to write in any POV; perhaps because I like book-Faramir better and find him more complex. And I needed to explain the holes in the movie scenes; and how Faramir didn't get a fatal head injury from being dragged across the Pelennor by his horse (in my story, he was only dragged a short distance). But yes, it certainly was a crucial time in the character's life.