Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) FrostedGlass 2007-01-09

gestured with the international symbol for "wait a minute bitch", also known as rolling her eyes and waving Molly away in the direction of the tshirts. -> Lovely.

Love the Molly – Elyse conversations!

You should be grateful. Having such a nice boy courting you." Her mother said -> I do like her mom for some reason. She is funny.

„drummer arms“... Ach. Takes me back to when Andy was doing Sheena. Oh, Andy, Andy…

Ha ha. Happy Molly is cute. :)

Author's response

lol. yup. that is the international symbol for 'wait a minute bitch' esspecially when you're helping obnoxious pre-teens and you are trying not to strangle them; Elyse-Molly are my favorite conversations to write, right after Patrick-Molly..when they're getting along; Her mom is..ok? She's growing on me as a character. I still might not use her that often though 'cause Molly avoids her family like the plauge; Andy scares me. AP article proved this.