Review for Hogwarts Exposed

Hogwarts Exposed

(#) Chase_the_Cat 2006-05-21

Omigoodness! I forgot to review the first two chapters! I'm SO sorry...
Anyway, this story was recommended to me by "Saffron", you're number one fan, I think. cough cough, She's OBSESSED!, cough So she's been NAGGING at me for several days now, "READ THIS FIC! READ THIS FIC!" So, finally, here I am, and guess what? I can NOT tear my gaze away from the screen. My eyes are glued.
So yeah, AMAZING. I haven't really read the Harry Potter books (I've read book 3, if that even counts), but I know basically what's going on from a combination movies/my loud-mouthed cousin. sigh So, like, the HP books are good, but this is like... whoa.
Note: I have one rating point left as of today, and I'm SO using it on this. ^_~

Author's response

I get the impression that Saffron is obsessed. I hope she continues to like the story. I'm glad that, you too like the series. Hopefully you'll catch up to her so that you and read chapters together.
