Review for The Memoirs of Samwise

The Memoirs of Samwise

(#) Ithilwen 2006-05-23

Isn't Sam supposed to have taken a ship at the end? No matter. Doesn't mean he couldn't have planned something else.

The term, "mayor, seven times no less," sounds a little pompous for Sam. And why put quotes around "wizard"? Samwise never disapproved of Gandalf, and loved his rockets. Didn't disapprove of Elrond or Legolas either. In fact, the Samwise of both book and film canon seemed quite impressed with all of them.

All in all, this doesn't sound out of place for a hobbit, but it does for Sam. I could buy this as one of the Sackville-Bagginses or someone reacting to Sam's stories, but these aren't the words of Samwise Gamgee, even an older Samwise Gamgee.

Author's response

Either you don't have a sense of humour...or you're pulling my leg, let me spell it out you: It's. a. parody. It was not supposed to be taken seriously, but then again I don't suppose you've ever heard of Bored of the Rings, have you?

I like your work because it's brilliant, but I have to admit I'm suprised at you Ithilwen. Don't you like AU?