Review for Class Of The Toddlers

Class Of The Toddlers

(#) crazy_reviewer_woot 2007-03-05

I'm ba-ck!
crickets: we got an account, woot woot!
Spot: hey everyone! i have been given the honor/horror of announcing that because we could not find our password, we have created this new account, class of the toddlers will be finished though, we just need to start a new look for class of the toddlers 2, that's ours!
Crazy: Now I am pretty sure most of you are pretty mad at me for not updating...Good On You! I am going to update ASAP, but I have to leave my house in 15 minutes, so yeah...I'll try!
crickets smile wickedly and duct tape my hands to keyboard
Crazy:Spot, Gwenivere, Richard, Vincent, Jasper, Roxahanort, Lindsay trails on and Ludwig, what's going on??