I'm glad Ginny's calming down. i hope she stays with Snape. its not that i really like ginny/snape, its that i cant stand seeing him sad. it makes me sad. cuz sevvy's my fav. ^_^ and lupin. but i digress.
i'm sitting in anticipation to see what happens with ron and sam. now i know y draco was uneasy at h/hr's wedding! i get it! XD
omg, the race was like "the Tortoise and the Hare" all over again.
go jamie! roz was a bastard.
and im so happy for the fam! they seem so content and elated! im bubbling inside! :D
Author's response
Ginny has a lot of problems making up her mind.
Yeah! Sort of shook him to see Sam.
Come to think of it, that was rather Tortoise and Hare.
Roz is not the nicest person. I love writing evil nasty people,
But remember what happens when everyone is happy and add is going well. Usually something bad happens. At least in my stories.