Review for My Life as an MCR Kid

My Life as an MCR Kid

(#) MCR_dynamite 2007-04-03

Thank you! Wow, I'm married to Ray!

Can I have an ADOPTED kid called Kyle?

If so...

Age: 16 year old
Apperance: skater, dark, smokes, gets into fights easily so he always has bruises and cuts. Eye brow, lip and top of left ear pierced. Doesn't wear make up.
Personality: Loner, quiet, looks up to Gerard. Misunderstood. Gets bullied by everyone at school. Hates people, 'cept Jess, Ray and Gee. (Calls adopted mom & dad by first name)
Fave accesory: Slipknot CD, MCR 'DEAD!' hoodie.

Please? :D Thanks!