Review for Family Issue

Family Issue

(#) Geovanni_Luciano 2007-04-16

Looking back I didn't take the opportunity to review this one. It seems that you're looking to add Hermione to the mix on this one, but at the same time you've added so many other people into the mix that have unanswered questions. Not that I don't mind a good, well written, Harry/Gabrielle story, but it has to be well written. I'll stand for none of that smutty no plot stuff, Jaconais' HOPE would be a good example of well written. :)

Author's response

Thanks, as always, for reading and reviewing. I've been following "Hope" for a very long time, I think it's the best Harry/Gabrielle story to date, but I get to play in their sandbox too. . .
I think you'll like the storyline.