Review for CSI: Across the Pond

CSI: Across the Pond

(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-04-18

grins stupidly big
Thank you thank you thank you!
That was so cool!!
Seriously, my grin is ridiculously huge!

haha- "that girl was strange"...sadly, very true! sigh :)

All just a test? bloomin' eck, that's a complicated test!...mind you, Matt is a genius!

And the part about Mikey getting the lecture on animals was....1,2,3, HILARIOUS!!

Love this story so much! and, also, i've not eaten a single donut since the last time i reviewed so i'm waiting patiently for the invite to dinner from MUSE! Think i'll be waiting long?...cough :)

Hope you enjoyed Canada! :)

Author's response

You're welcome. Even if Matt is a genius in this, he's being quite a jerk. He'd better come up with something pretty freaking brilliant if he wants to save his reputation now.
Matt: I didn't do anything wrong!
me: Shut up, Matt. You did too.
Matt: You're the one writing the story, not me. You're the one making me be so mean to people!
me: Which is precisely why you should stop talking, or I'll be forced to kill you.
Yeah. I thought so. Anyway, I was afraid of using the veggie people comment, but I'm glad you thought it was funny.
Davey: I didn't think it was very funny.
Jade: Me either.
me: All of you, shut up! I have the power to ruin your lives!!
I'll wait with you. Make sure you let me know when they call. I'll be sure to bring the cupcakes.
Canada was awesome. It rained every day, but there was nothing I could do about that. The only thing that was bad was that we ate at Planet Hollywood instead of the Hard Rock >:( Oh well. We got a 2 (best is 1) at festival, but we were the only band competing so we won. w00t