Review for The Mistake

The Mistake

(#) hips-n-hearts86 2007-05-31 dear...LORDY LORDY ITS ABOUT DAMN FREAKIN TIME!!!! lol ya know I love you..ok ok ok okokok?

sooo you sent me half of this yesterday and I told you it was already perfect..but how could you make it more than cease to amaze me my dear friend cease to amaze...

ok onto the review...HOLY SHIT was Ava rapped when she was younger? or am I just getting that vibe..I soooooo get that vibe...atleast I think I am...OoOo or is her momma hustling..LOL I know that can't be true but I can atleast try ya know..haha but something with that old man..hmmm....does her mom get involved with the Mob too? Idk...something has to link these...and I will find a way..I'm very tempted to call you right now and like get it out of you haha

ok...the whole Ava and Patrick scene with Pete in the background was TOTALLY cute haha I like swoooooned the entire time...I was like AWWWW LOVE!!! lol

and whose the whore named Rindi..geeezz she seems sleazy wtf at that HAHA no but I love how you captured me...I don't have the manicured nails..although I should really get them done soon...haha and I can't believe you got all this from me driving a BMW LOL an old one to be exact...I love you..didn't I say that already LOL but I think you did an awesome job on figuring me know all about my obscene language and you got that to a tee...thank you LOL

and Alex..lalalalalalalove the BFF vibe between her and Rindi..they totally play off each other so well it was incredible...I need a friend like oh wait I do have only I think me and her would have to switch roles LOL

ok so you know the usual is coming up...write more yada yada yada..I will hound you until you do you I'm very good at doing that..I wanted you to update when you were drinking the long islands but sadly I see I didn't win that time..but I lalalalaloved the chapter and I lalalalalalove ya!!!! your awesome...I think a road trip is in order soon my friend


Ps. WHOA! Totally forgot about the "errand" Patrick has to is up with that..what is the errand...hmmmm I might call you LOL