Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Life Isn't Always What It Seems

Welcome To The family Skank

by dtng101 1 review

'Okay for all the jamia fans out there please don't take this chapter personatily.Remember it's just fiction.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-06-18 - Updated: 2008-06-19 - 571 words

Andrea's Pro
Haleijuya three more weeks left of school.Yeahh finally vacation time.Even though me and Ashely are still in a fight,believe it or not but i miss her like fuck.i've known her longer than Kimberly,i met Kimberly in 6th grade,but Ashely and go way back in time when we were in 2nd grade.You see in 2nd grade ash was the most popular girl in the whole school.Every single girl wanted to be in here place including the 5th graders,and also including me........
I was sitting all alone like always,swinging myself softly on the swing letting the time past fast till resces was over.No one ever wanted to team up with me in anything,because everyone though I was the 'freak'.So therefore I had no friends at all.i let my long bangs fall across my left eye,while slowing my pace to get off the swing.When i got off the swing I had my head down,my hair falling on my face walking slowly.Soon I felt I bumped into someone,actaully not someone a group of people."OMG Ash that freak loserish girl just bumped into you do something".said kristine one of the fukin skanks I had the most.
"No" Ashely said
"Why not"she said
"because I said no and that's final" Ashely said
"well are you coming or not"siad Kristine
"no" said Ashely
"well if you stay that makes you one of her"she said pointing at me like if I was some kind of fucked up creature.
"Kristine shut up so what if I'am one of her she's perfectly normal,and I don't like people offending my friends so shut up"Ashely said clenching her fist
"omg your a freak too,thast means your out of our possy"she said with a smirk on her face.
"why don't you wipe off that fucked up simile off your face"Ashely said
"make me bitch" Kristine said pushing ashely to the ground
"I knew you didn't have the balls to do it"Kristine said laughing hard and walking away
Suddenly Ashely got up and took a swing at Kristine and broke her nose.And blood started to por out from everywhere.And that's how I knew I finally had a friend who stood up for me,and risk her popularity for me.
I was thinking of how me and Ashely met.When my mom interupted my day dreaming.Soon I saw a hand waving at my face.
"Hello Andrea,hello"my mom said
"yes"I said
"Jamia is coming in about half an hour actually the whole band are bringing their girlfriends for dinner,get dress in something nice because we're going to a formal restraunat,I'll be back in fifteen minutes to check if your ready"my mom said and soon got up and headed for the door.I went to my closet and pulled out a long dress that went up to my knees.It was black and it opened form the front and white from the front also.Soon fifteen minutes had past and I was dress.My mom wasn't kidding when she said she be back in fifteen."are you ready"she said
"yeah"and with that I got up and headed to the door,I saw the guys already in the car waiting for us.
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