Categories > Original > Poetry

Pointless Pie Poem

by darkearthmagic 1 review

(See title) lol

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-06-19 - Updated: 2008-06-19 - 66 words - Complete

Darkearthmagic's Pointless Pie Poem
I like pie.
Pie is good
Pie is great
I like it on my plate
Yay, pie.
Cake is tasty
Cake is a pastry
Yummy cake.
Ice cream is delicious
Ice cream is not nutritious
Damn, calories…
I dunno why I rhyme things, like pie.
But I do.
Pie…in the sky.
Yay pie.

A.N./ Review? Yes, its pointless, but plz...
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