Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Damaged Part II

Joy's Baby Shower Surprise

by joelmaddensbabigurl 1 review

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-20 - Updated: 2008-06-20 - 1152 words - Complete

!!!!!Chapter 3!!!!!

A week went by and Benji tried getting a hold of Joy but she never answered his calls. He left text messages and voicemails but she never returned them. Joy just had a feeling that Benji was putting up a front so people didn't think he was an asshole for what he did. He didn't care about her. He was too obsessed with Paris!

Hilary on the other hand was getting very worried about Joy. She fell into depression and wasn't eating and drinking as much as she should be. Those babies were in danger and Joy didn't seem to care because she too upset about Benji. Hilary was hoping that since the baby shower was today they could cheer her up.

[At Baby Shower]
Hilary went and picked up Joy and headed to the Marriott Hotels Resort Suites where they rented out the ballroom for the baby shower. They got inside the hotel and made their way into the ballroom. They walked in seeing all their female friends there and the theme was Ella Enchanted. It was so cute.

Joy smiled as they walked in. it was her favorite thing ever. Ella Enchanted. The tables that were out had pink and green table clothes. There were also pink and green streamers everywhere and pink and green balloons everywhere also. There were also other random pink and green things on the tables. It was beautiful, “Thanks so much for giving me this baby shower!” she said smiling

“No problem Joy! This is the best baby shower ever!” Hilary said smiling as her and Joy sat down with their friends.

Joy nodded as they fell into conversation with everybody.

A couple hours went by and everybody sat around in a circle after eating. It was time for Joy to open her baby gifts. She opened all her gifts. She got a lot of amazing things that she would need for the twins.

Hilary watched as Joy communicated with everybody. She seemed pretty happy and Hilary was glad she was. She just needed to get out of the house and have some fun with the girls. Hilary was glad everything was going great.

“Thanks for the gifts everybody. It’s going to help out a lot.” Joy said smiling at everybody

Lexi, one of the girl's friends looked at Joy, “no problem Joy! We have to make sure you have everything for the twins! I cant wait until they arrive.” she said smiling

Joy nodded, “me too!” she said smiling. She heard the door open and turned her attention to the door. Benji came walking in. Joy rolled her eyes. You had to be kidding me!

Hilary looked over seeing Benji walking in. what the hell was he doing here? She looked at Benji, “Benji what are you doing here?” she asked

“I came to talk to Joy.” he said looking at her, “Joy I really want to talk to you.”

Joy rolled her eyes, “fine whatever.” she said getting up and leaving the room with Benji behind her.

The two of them got outside. She looked at Benji glaring at him, “what the fuck do you want Benji? I told you I didn't want to see your face!”

“Look Joy. I'm so sorry about this whole situation.” Benji said looking at her

Joy sat here with her arms crossed, “I don't care Benji you did this to us! You fucked it all up!” she yelled at him

Benji put his hands in his pockets, “yeah I know and I'm sorry. Joy I love you.” he said looking at her

Joy shook her head as anger filled her, “Benji stop feeding me your lies! If you fucking loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me! I'm not buying this shit because I'm not stupid! Go back to your whore!” she yelled at him

“Joy...” Benji tried saying but was interrupted once again

“No Benji I'm done. I'm sure your whore is waiting for you at home! Good bye!” she said before walking back into the hotel

Benji watched her and as she disappeared into the hotel. He got in his car and headed home.

[Later That Night]
Joy was home once again by herself. Hilary was at home putting Savannah to bed so she would be over when she was done. Joy sat here crying and thinking to herself. She knew that her depression was getting worse. It wasn't so bad until Benji had to come and talk to her. Seeing Benji killed her inside. She loved Benji with all her heart. She didn't understand why Benji would do what he did. Its like nobody cared or loved her. If Benji didn't want her then who would?

About an hour later Hilary arrived at Joy's house. She saw Joy crying and crawled on the bed and sat next to her, “Joy what’s up? I hate seeing you upset.”

“Hilary nobody loves or cares about me anymore.” Joy said as tears came down her face

Hilary looked at her, “what are you talking about? Of course people love and care for you!”

“My own husband doesn't want me!” she said looking down at her hands trying to keep the tears from coming

Hilary hugged her, “Benji's a fucking asshole that needs to get his ass kicked for doing this to you. I swear she has him under a spell!”

Joy hugged Hilary as Joel came walking through the door with Savannah in his arms, “hey girls.” he said sitting down on the bed

“Hey babe.” Hilary said watching him

“What’s up?” he asked looking at Joy

Hilary sighed, “Joy doesn't think anybody cares or loves her. We love and care about her don't we?”

Joel got up handing Savannah to Hilary. He sat down in front of Joy, “Joy my brother is an asshole and I'm so pissed that he made you get upset and stuff. I will personally go kick his ass for you okay? He had no right doing this to you! We love and care about you Joy. I mean you're my sister in law now and i love you to death and I'm not going to let Benji run all over you like this especially since he has twins on the way. He’s such a dumbass!”

“Please do.” Joy said wiping some tears away

Hilary pulled her into a hug, “it’ll be okay Joy.” she said as she let Joy cry on her. She soon cried herself to sleep.

Hilary covered Joy up looking at Joel, “babe we have to do something. She’s freaking falling apart and if we don't snap her out of this depression thing she’s going to hurt the babies and we don't want that. She’s due in a month.”

“I know Hilary. I'm trying to figure something out babe.” he said rocking Savannah to sleep in his arms.
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