Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Life Isn't Always What It Seems

The Monster I've become

by dtng101 0 reviews

So yeah we're back at Ashely's Pro...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-06-21 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 437 words

Auther's Note;okay so before I start this new chapter I want to let you guys in something.From now on I'm going to try to change different characters form thier pov.For example this chapter is only going to be based on Ashely and the upcoming one is only going to be based on Andrea.Now that we got that all clear up let's start shall we

Ashely's Pov.
Drugs have been my only addiction these past few weeks,their the only thing that keeps me alive.Like every morning when I wake up I have to have one in order to fuction.Weird hu,it seems like Andrea actally is consern for me,because Kimberly called me last night and told me she found Andrea crying hard and the only words that came out of her mouth were 'ashely..ashely'.I know I might sound like a fucked up bitch,but honestly I don't care anymore if she fuckin crys for me to stop.Because I'm not going to stop.I was looking thru the drowers of my nightstand to find some more cocaine."uhh where the fuck is it"I said tossing things off my drower to find the cocaine."Fuck I just ran out of it..I guess I'm just going to ask Craige for some more"I said putting on my black hoodie. I turned off the lights out and put some pillows and covered them with a long red blanket and tucked it in like if I was the one who was sleeping in it.Because if my mom found out I was going out this late at night she'll ground my ass till I'm 80,espeacilly if she found out about the drugs.Let's just say I won't be alive to see my wedding or even to see my own grandchildern.I went out my window and climbed down the tree.And ran to craige's house.I thru serval rocks at his window for him to wake up.When I finally saw him open his window,he saw me ."What..let me guess ran out of them"he said with a smirk "yeah"I said
"Here"he thru me a full bag filled with them "just don't mix them with alcohol"he said
"how much do i owe you'I said "Their on the house"he said and with that he closed his window and dissapered.And soon I knew I had to get my hands on some alcohol,to let's just say make the game more fun.Plus I already have cancer how more fucked up could I get rigth?.
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