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Great Spirits and a Plan

by blazingava 1 review

Are these "Great Spirits" really the guiders of the universe speaking with Ilena or more delusions? What will she get Gerard into now?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-06-22 - Updated: 2008-06-23 - 785 words

Gerard’s POV

I rubbed my temples and sat back. I was being completely selfish and Mikey didn’t like me for it but my back was against a brick wall and BOTH of them would understand everything soon. Why didn’t she listen? Was it that hard to speak when spoken to or …I don’t even know. I snarled and hit my hand on the table. It shook as though it would break and I wouldn’t have been surprised if it did so. “Gee.” Ray said tapping my shoulder. I shoved his hand away, “Not now.” I heard him shift from one foot to the other, “I don’t think this can wait.” This time I turned and glared at him. “What do you want?” I snapped. “Your brother took off with your girl. Frank went in to chec…” Ray began but at the mention of the girl I took off. That was EXACTLY was I was just thinking about. She was always causing some trouble. They couldn’t have gotten far and no doubt her was taking her home. I took a deep breath and started after them.

Ilena’s POV

I knew Gerard was following us. Neither Mikey nor I are idiots and only and idiot would think he would honestly let us go. However Mikey was very fast. Not as fast as that Frank boy but still very fast. “Mikey stop!” I yelled not raising my head from his chest. I’d put it there because the air was making me sick and stressed but I knew he was taking me home and that wasn’t where I was supposed to be. “Take me to the school! Please trust me.” Said whispering the last sentence. I felt Mikey make a U-Turn for the school. I wasn’t sure what I really thought of Gerard but I could hear something in my being tell me whether I hated him or not there was a reason he met. I wasn’t sure what that was yet but I wouldn’t question my intuition.
The school yard was empty. That was perfect. I didn’t WANT anyone around. My feeling was getting stronger a voice was practically screaming at me to listen to it’s instruction. “What are we doing?” Mikey said looking over my face. I shook my head, “I’m going to the principle. I have a plan.” I turned and trotted towards the school but Mikey grabbed my arm, “What is it?” I frowned at him. What was my plan? “I don’t know.” I answered truthfully trying to get him to let go. He was starting to scare me. He must have felt if because he let go and simply trotted after me. “So you don’t have a plan?” He asked fixing his glasses. I started jogging through the halls towards the office. “Yes! I just don’t know what it is! That doesn’t mean I don’t have one.” I said stopping in front of the principle’s office. Mikey shook his head and leaned against the wall as I opened the door. I entered and closed it behind me but not before hearing Mikey say, “Gerard was right the chicks nuts.”

When I entered the office Mrs. Hollendas jumped a bit and focused her eyes on me, “Ms. Oddal? What are you doing in here is everything alright?” I pursed my lips into a thin line and thought. Come on Great Spirits what is your plan! I sighed and listened closely and I heard the plan. ‘Uh uh! Oh no I’m not doing that!’ I argued in my head but I knew it was futile. There was no arguing with the spirits. “Mrs. Hollendas I…have come to withdraw.” I whispered looking at the floor. She gasped but I interupeted her, “Only for a short time though. You see…I have this plan. Sent to me by,” I stopped and thought if I should really tell her. Most people lost faith in the spirits. “By who Ms. Oddal? What is it? Please explain?” I took a breath and nodded, “It’s a plan given to me by The Great Spirits…and those boys. What would you say if the spirits wanted to give us all our chance?” I said timidly. Mrs. Hollendas walked up to me and put her finger under my chin lifting my face to look at her’s. She had a stern face on. She held it like that before smiling at me, “I think that would be an amazing gift. So what is this…plan?” I nodded and sat down, “Well I was thinking I could withdraw and then…”
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