Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > 4 minutes to save the world

Missy is cutting!

by blacknailsgd 0 reviews

yea yet will they have her live!

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2008-06-23 - Updated: 2008-06-23 - 872 words

chapter 4

No1's pov

Girls were getting ready for the tour. Missy was already to go but Hilary is putting her hair products in her suit case.

"Hilary if we don't go they will leave our asses! So lets go now plz!!" Missy said
"Missy they won't leave us I wanted to look cool!" Hilary said
"No affense but were going to be wearing Dcma t-shirts I brought some extra things along some sexy things and some hair stuff! But Hilary if your not ready in 5 minutes Im leaving you?" Missy said

So in 5 minutes she was ready she put her stuff in the cab Hilary locked the doors to house.

"MISSY!" Hilary yelled as she listened to ipod.

Any ways they got there in an hour! Missy and Hilary got there suit cases out sat out in the sun until we saw them pull up in cars! Joel and Benji hoped out and came over to them.

"Hey girls we thought you would be here so we came by to you 2?" Benji said
"Thats cool lets go Hilary?" Missy said

After an hour like Benji and Joel said that they could meet the guys! As Hilary and Missy got on they saw Billy, Paul, Deano sitting on the couch waiting on us.

"Deano, Billy and Paul this Missy Martin and Hilary Mathers!" Benji said

"Hello as Benjamin has told you I am Dean every1 on here calls me deano. Welcome!!" Deano said
"Billy Martin nice too meet you?" Billy said
"Paul Thomas welcome!!" Paul said

They all shook hands! After a month Joel has been a pain in the ass Hilary thought that she could get some alone with Joel! But Joel was out with Nicole he didn't care about Hilary! Benji and Missy were friends! Some days were good and some days were bad.

Hilary's pov

Gosh I thought I was putting myself out enough for Joel to notice me. I guess I didn't try hard enough, Missy and Benji are great. What does Missy have I don't have? Well anyways this all I have my cousin and 5 guys that im on the bus! Missy has a cousin named Billy Martin but I don't think she has caught on or she problably has she just haven't said anything to me or any1. So anyways I know Joel is on the bus Im going to walk by him right now! I have a low cut shirt on and mini skirt I just walked on by I felt eyes on me!

"Hilary come here?" Joel said
"Yes Joel?" Hilary said coming and sitting down right beside him.
"Hilary I have been hearing that I haven't been that nice to you for that im sorry!" Joel noticing that everytime they get close her nose starts to crinkle!
"Hilary would you like to go out with me tonight?" Joel asked
"Yes I would love too I half to pick out an outfit though?" Hilary said
"Look what you got on looks great to me!" Joel said

Missy's pov

Hilary texted me saying that her and Joel are going out! Me and Billy are just looking around then we went back to the hotel room he gestered that I come and sit by him. So I did just that.

"Missy are you feeling good about coming out with us?" Billy asked
"Yea at first i didn't know to expect but then i could on then its great!" Missy said
"Can i tell you something Missy?" Billy asked again
"Yea sure anything?" Missy asked
"You remember this tall skinny dude at your house?" Billy asked
"Yea but I never got to see him again I wonder how he is?" Missy said
"He's sitting right beside you?" Billy said
"No way really?" Missy said
"Yep Missy were cousins like you and Hilary are." Billy said
"Thats awesome Billy!" Missy said
"Yup it is Im happy you and Hilary got to come out?" Billy said
"Well almost left Hilary at home cause was putting to much stuff in her suit case!" Missy said
"Im happy you guys came!" Billy said

(Month went by)

Hilary is dating Joel Madden every1 was excited for them before they did something Joel knew he would love her for the his life they just married. Benji was happy Missy wasn't through she thought she had made a mistake by doing this! Although Benji thought it was funny though!

Billy's pov

Its crazy because Joel just got married! Missy isn't happy about it so she's only talking me and guys and not to Hilary and Joel! They love eachother sooo much its hard to keep them apart! It just broke missy's heart when she found out shes all depress now! But she still models for Benji I promise you couldn't keep her and Benji apart. At he keeps her mind off of them.

Missy is cutting herself then she's in her bunk all the time. BEnji went to whats wrong? He saw her asleep but he looked at her arm it was bleeding badly! Benji took her out layed her on the floor talking her trying make her come back to him.

What will come next you tell me?

review plz
love ya
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