Categories > Original > Drama > Don't Try And Get The Best Of Me

Don't Try And Get The Best Of Me

by slashfeeder 0 reviews

Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance tied the knot with a civil union three years ago. They had been dating for four years, madly in love and Zacky just couldn't get enough of him. After they tied th...

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2008-04-26 - Updated: 2008-04-26 - 831 words

"I really like that one, she's really cute. And she's not screaming like all the other babies are." I pointed out to Brian, who overreactively called himself Synyster Gates. We were in the maternity ward, looking at all the babies all up for adoption. We decided since we both love kids, and OBVIOUSLY its impossible to have our own baby, we decided to adopt.
"Yeah she looks really cute." I smiled as a sweet little grin appeared on his face.
"Brian.. Does it cost to adopt?" I asked.
"I don't think so.. Even if it does it doesn't matter, we have all the money we'd need. I just know babies don't grow up for free." He giggled.
"So have you two decided which one you'd like to take?" The nurse asked us.
"Yeah, we've pretty much established she's the cutest one, and we want her." Brian smiled, pointing to the baby we were just talking about.
We filled out a bunch of forms, and Brian did everything else that was needed to be done, as I picked her up and cuddled her. She was sooo tiny. Brian walked out of the office and put his arm around me, looking down at her. "Well she's pretty much ours now." I smiled the biggest smile ever, and kissed him.

I couldn't stop staring at her as we walked out to the car, we already had her carseat in the back. It had been there for ages, considering we knew we would definitely adopt. "We need a name for her now." I smiled. Brian unlocked the doors, and opened up the back door so I could sit her in and buckle her up.
"We have plenty of time to name her hun, it's not like we HAVE to name her at this very moment. The nurse also told me to think carefully, and when we choose a name, don't put it on the birth certificate till at least a month after naming her. Because if we regret it and want to change it, then we pretty much waste money to get her a new birth certificate and legally change it." He replied.
I put her in the carseat and buckled her up. I kissed her forehead before closing the door. "Yeah I guess. But I still want us to think of names pretty much every second of the day." I smiled. He laughed.
"We will get a name for her, don't panic."
We got in the car, we drove around the corner before pulling into the supermarket parking lot.
"What do we need?" Brian asked.
"Everything we've run out of." I replied. He shot me a 'no-fucking-shit' look. I laughed. "Uh.. Bread.. Milk... ... CANDY!"
"Oh yeah I've been meaning to buy some chocolate and pop tarts and shit like that for aaaaages. Guess i never got round to it?" He parked up. "Oh shit we don't have a pram!"
"It's okay, you just push the trolley and load it up with junk that we probably don't need but will get anyway, and I'll just carry her around." I replied.
"Sounds like a plan."
"Lets do it!"
We got out of the car, he grabbed a trolly while i pulled the baby out and cuddled her.

"Hey.. Zacky, we don't have nappies and shit for her do we?" Brian asked.
"Uh.. No, because we had no idea what size the baby would be .. I'm pretty sure we don't even have clothes or food for her."
"... What do babies eat?" He gave me a confused look.
"Um... Milk? I guess.. Well she's only like two weeks old so I don't think we feed her solids."
By passers gave us strange looks. We laughed.
"So we buy formula." Brian said as we walked into the store.

Brian picked out some groceries and meat and shit. We walked down the baby needs isle.. Pretty much giving everything a blank look.
"I think we should've asked the nurse about what to buy her. She asked me if I knew how to look after children and I said yes. I've babysat my sisters babies many a time." Brian said.
"Oh.. Well then you should know what babies need?" I asked surprised, he never told me he used to look after her kids, hell, I didn't even know she had kids.
"Not really.. I forgot to tell her that my sisters babies are her puppies."
I was silent. What a fucking idiot.

We grabbed the formula that stated it was for 12 month old babies. We figured it was the right one.. We hoped anyway.

We passed through the check out, paying for everything, the entire time I was too busy paying attention to the baby.
"Right, lets go." Brian carried the shopping bags out and opened the boot door. "Fuck.. I obviously forgot to lock the car. Oh well."
After everything and everyone was in the car, we drove off home, to what would be the worst night of sleep... Ever.
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