Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book VII

Chapter 19: Savanti's Revenge Part I

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Harry,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-06-24 - Updated: 2008-06-24 - 4758 words

Chapter Nineteen: Savanti’s Revenge Part One:

It was in the early evening, as a group of five figures made their way through a natural history museum. Four members of this group were disguised, wearing long trench coats, hats, scarves, and sun glasses, that would completely obscure their identities, providing that no one looked all that close to them at all. The fifth individual the group was ready to use a Confundus charm on anyone who may come too close to seeing where they are. Thankfully, the passed the hallway, with little incident, as they reached the main attraction, an exhibit regarding dinosaurs. One of the figure gave a slight sneeze, which earned them some looks from onlookers.

“Alright Don?” asked Leo.

“Fine, just feeling a little bit under the weather, however not enough to not be excited about this,” commented Don as he looked around at several reconstructed skeletons of dinosaur fossils. “This is said to be one of the most comprehensive exhibits regarding the age of the dinosaurs in the world and it’s coming here. Isn’t it so exciting?”

“Yeah, thrilling Don,” commented Raph dryly as he looked around. “Look, Bishop’s mutants are out there right now, we should be cracking their heads right now, and not visit some stuffy old dinosaur exhibit.”

“Ah Raph, it is interesting when you think about it, I mean we as turtles have ancestors dating all the way back to the Cretaceous period,” remarked Don as he looked around to a giant turtle like creature hanging from the ceiling. “See, us and humanity can learn about how we evolved by studying this period of time, as these fossils can teach us much.”

“Also, if you think about it, the end of the dinosaurs can teach us a lot, as when they were wiped out of existence, the cataclysmic events created an environment that allowed magic to be created and properly utilized, that allowed human life to be sustained or so historians believe,” lectured Harry and the others looked at him. “Learned that in one of the few History of Magic classes I managed to stay awake from, nothing’s been proven one way or the other, but it’s highly probable.”

“Museum’s closing up in about twenty minutes” remarked Leo as he looked over his shoulder, as people began to file out, as the museum emptied for the day. “So take a good look at everything, the last thing we need is to create a scene that would get us discovered.”

“No problem, we’re true masters of stealth and invisibility,” commented Mikey in a confident voice, before a figure popped from the bushes, causing Mikey to give a slight shriek, before he leapt back, but breathed in relief when he saw it was only a robotic dinosaur.

“Did I mention the animatronics exhibit?” asked Don with a smirk as he looked over Mikey who took a deep breath in relief. “State of the art stuff, among the best in the world, a great reenactment if I may say so myself.”

“No kidding, I thought it was a real threat,” commented Mikey as he raised his eyebrows. “Still, once you get past the fact that we’re in a room with a bunch of dusty old bones, it does seem cool, well sort of, if you strength it enough.”

The group spent a few more minutes looking around, before they saw the guard move forward, no doubt informing the people inside that the museum was to close in a short amount of time. Stepping forward towards the door, they stopped in their tracks, when they heard a rattling sound behind them.

“Another robot?” asked Raph, as he reached inside his coat for his Sais but Don shook his head, as the skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex was the offender, as the bones continued to rattle, before it illuminated a bright shade of red, before it walked off of its pedestal, to advance forward on the Turtles and Harry, who took a couple of steps back.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think someone enchanted that thing,” breathed Harry as his eyes widened, as the dinosaur’s neck began to turn slightly, to look at the group, before it stooped down.

“Well, whatever happened, I think it’s safe to assume that this isn’t part of the exhibit,” remarked Leo and Don nodded grimly, as the fossils began to bust apart, before they swirled in mid air, a loud insidious laughter filling the air around them, as they arranged themselves into a shape, a shape that was very familiar to the group, the face of a rival they thought long banished, one Savanti Romero. The face stared down our heroes with a sadistic glint, as it looked down at that.

“Greetings from the Cretaceous, you miserable reptiles,” declared Savanti, as his cold, diabolic laughter filled the entire museum, causing everyone to look around from side to side, in absolute horror once they saw the floating head made of fossils in the museum. Those who were still in the museum quickly bolted as quickly as their feet could take them to the door, not wanting to be in the presence of this thing, whatever it was. A guard walked into the scene to investigate the source of the disturbance but his eyes widened when he saw the floating head of bones in the museum.

“I don’t get paid enough for this!” yelled the guard as he threw his hands up in the air in defeat, as Savanti continued his loud, diabolic laughter.

“Savanti Romero, could have sworn he was banished all the way to the past,” said Harry.

“Well, obviously I didn’t stick as well as we would have hoped, Harry” inputted Raph as Savanti continued his laughter, before the face of bones turned its attention to the group.

“You should understand that there is nowhere, no time that you can hide that you will be safe from my magic,” warned Savanti. “Even from the past, I can find you and send you this message of your impending, inevitable doom!”

“A message of doom, only when you want to send the very best,” remarked Mikey, in an attempt to lighten the mood, but the creepy image of Savanti’s face really killed any mood lightening attempts.

“You should never have interfered with my plans to capture the time sceptre, now you Turtles, along with Harry Potter, will pay the price for your meddling, when everything to know, everything you care about, will be wiped completely out of history,” taunted Savanti and the group looked at him. “Be that as it may, I have not abandoned my plans to capture the time sceptre, so rest assure that I will deal with Lord Simultaneous and his apprentice soon enough. However, before that moment, your entire timeline will be erased from existence.”

“Why wait, bring it now bonehead!” prodded Raph but Savanti did not even acknowledge the threat.

“If you wish to attempt to stop my plan, you can find me in the ring of fire,” concluded Savanti.

“Hey, listen to me, I’m talking to you!” yelled Raph as he sprung up, Sais drawn, but the bones dropped to the ground, causing Raph to connect with nothing but air. Raph dropped from above, looking around with absolute irritation etched in his face, as he turned from side to side. “Man, why don’t these bad guys stay down when we put them down?”

“You notice something funny, it was almost like a one way message, like we could here him, and we couldn’t, after all, he did not respond to anything that happened around him,” remarked Harry and the others nodded in agreement.

“Yeah you’ve got a point Harry, I mean consider it, it’s almost like a recording or a time capsule, those bones were enchanted, it’s almost like he knew we would be here tonight and sent us that message,” remarked Don, as the others suddenly looked rather nervous at the possibilities, concerning what Savanti had said.

“So, do you think Savanti could make good on the threat he gave us tonight?” asked Leo and the others shrugged, before they turned to Harry.

“Very possible, but something about this entire business is rather sketchy, as is time travel in general,” commented Harry. “Inorganic material has been rumored to be sent through time and space in the past, but it’s very much frowned upon as even the slightest thing could scramble the entire timeline. Still, you know the fact that Savanti managed to figure out that we’d be here at this exact place, at this exact time, and the remains of this exact dinosaur would be here is rather disturbing, given the fact how difficult it would be to predict something. The odds of that would be rather long, which suggest to me that extremely powerful dark magic forces are at work.”

Don walked over to a map of Earth, before absent mindedly running it over with his finger, before spotting what he was looking for.

“There, the ring of fire, a ring of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean area,” commented Don under his breath, as they moved in to get a closer look. “Still, I don’t see anyway we can get there, I mean we need transportation, a time machine of some sorts, as there is no way that…”

Suddenly, as if on cue a swirling vortex of temporal energy manifested around the area of room behind the Turtles and Harry, causing to spin around, ready for anything dangerous that might have come through, but relaxed slightly, only slightly, as the form of the bumbling Apprentice Time Mistress, Renet, who exited the portal with a bubbly smile on her face, as she spotted the Turtles and Harry.

“You just happened to open your big mouth, Don,” muttered Harry from the side of his mouth, so Renet could not hear him.

“Oh my gosh, it’s like so great to see you all again, I mean, it’s been so long!” cried Renet as she made her way forward, to greet the group. “Well, actually it seemed like a long time, but when you’re in null time, you never know.”

“Right, hi Renet, now this can’t be a coincidence, exactly why were you sent here?” asked Leo.

“Well, my final exam is coming up, and if I pass, I’ll be promoted from Apprentice Timestress to Temporal Explicator First Grade,” said Renet as she bounced up and down in excited in a rather cartoonish manner. “So, anything this chrono-crisis is what I have to fix, and you know, given the fact you helped stop that demon before, I was wondering if you guys would you know, like to help.”

Renet looked at the group with a hopeful expression on her face, as they looked up at each other, with various expressions on their face. Sure, Renet did mean well enough, but the fact remained that they got into a huge mess because of her before, including nearly getting destroyed by Savanti Romero and then by Ultimate Drako. Her immaturity combined with the power in the time sceptre was a rather damning element.

“Hang on Renet, could we talk for just a few minutes?” asked Leo and Renet nodded calmly, as Leo motioned for his brothers, who all huddled together, so they could talk in privacy as they tried to figure out exactly how to tackle this matter. “Look, it’s obvious from where I’m standing. You know Savanti’s setting a trap, I know Savanti’s setting a trap, but Simultaneous hasn’t quite figured that out yet?”

“Besides leaving this to Renet isn’t exactly the smartest move in the world, there’s more of a chance that all of humanity could be wiped out if we let her go into the past alone, than if we just leave Savanti alone to do whatever to the timeline,” commented Raph.

“Besides, something’s been bugging me, if Savanti could erase us, wouldn’t it already have happened by now?” asked Don.

“Yeah, you do have a point Don, this entire mess stinks,” remarked Mikey.

“So, we’re going to have to help her,” concluded Harry, who had more than his fill regarding the time sceptre, but realized the implications if Renet tried to solve this problem alone. Privately, Harry was appalled at Simultaneous for entrusting such a potential looming crisis to Renet.

“Excellent, glad for your help, and trust me, it’s going to be a breeze!” squealed Renet, as Harry, Raph, Don, Leo, and Mikey looked a bit distrustful as Renet, when she held the time sceptre out in front of her, ready to transport them back. “Don’t worry, I’ve been practicing with the time sceptre, I’ve gotten really good.”

The time sceptre began to light up, as a wave of temporal energy roughly engulfed Harry, the Turtles, and Renet, pulling them roughly into the distinct past at the speed of light. It seemed with the time travel, the further that one went back, the more mind numbing and nausea inducing the journey became. After what seemed like an eternity but was really only a matter of moments, a wormhole opened over the ground, spitting out the group, causing them to viciously slam to the ground with a loud earth shattering rattle.

“I thought you said you were getting good!” snapped Raph, as he pulled himself to his feet, looking rather shaken and quite rattled, as he connected, but Renet also pulled herself to her feet, looking around.

“I am,” replied Renet defensively, before her eyes widened as she looked around. “Wow, we’re here.”

“Should we be worried that she seems so surprised by that fact?” asked Mikey, as the others managed to pull themselves up to a standing position as well, as the cobwebs cleared, to notice that there were several dinosaurs in the area around them.

“Look at that, it’s an Apatosaurus, a real life Apatosaurus,” breathed Don in an excited voice, as he looked from side to side, seeing the dinosaur off in the distance, as the others looked around, to see a vicious looking little dinosaur pick at the corpse of one, eating the flesh off of its bones.

“On your toes guys, we could look like snacks to some of these people,” said Leo but Raph just scoffed at that.

“I ain’t afraid any prehistoric dino,” commented Raph, but Harry raised his hand in the air to get their attention.

“Be that as it may, we have to be very careful, the slightest thing altered, and there’s a very strong possibility that all of human history could be altered, I mean this is not an alternate universe, we are in the past of our own world and if we want it to become like the future we left behind, we had best be careful,” said Harry in a serious voice, as he looked around nervously, apprehensive at touching anything. Even if one insect was squashed, there was the potential to have serious ramifications for all of history.

“So what you’re trying to say if we leave these clothes here, some archeologist in our time could find them and freak out?” asked Raph and Harry nodded to confirm his statement.

“That settles it, we better pack everything up, not like we need disguises in the first place when we’re in the past,” remarked Leo, as the Turtles began to remove their disguises, beginning to pack them together, it would be much easier to make the journey without them and not to mention the beating sun would cause problems with their heavy covering.

After several minutes, with everything packed up, the Turtles and Harry, joined Renet, who was looking around.

“I think we’re really close, at least we should be if,” muttered Renet under her breath, and Don stopped suddenly, as he became rather light headed, his eyes watering as he let out a sneeze. The others looked at him, but before anything could be said, Don let out another sneeze, this one much louder and a loud rumbling began to shake the ground beneath them.

“Uh, gesundheit,” offered Mikey feebly as dust began to kick up from behind them and it was obvious while, as a large group of dinosaurs began to stampede, on the tails of the Turtles, Harry, and Renet who all looked in horror, before Leo finally caught himself.

“RUN!” shouted Leo in an authorative voice and they did not need to be told twice, as the group bolted forward, on the run from the stampeding dinosaurs, as fast as they could move, but obviously, many of the dinosaurs were picking up speed much quicker than anyone could know, as they ran.

“Way to go, sneezey,” said Raph in a sarcastic tone of voice, as he looked at Don with irritation, who looked on apologetically, before he turned his head slightly towards Renet.

“Renet, use the time sceptre, it can beam us out of here!” shouted Don at the absent minded apprentice time mistress, as she responded by looking at him with a wide eyed look.

“Oh right,” remarked Renet as she stopped in the middle of the stampede, as she held the time sceptre out, but it did not come to life, not one spark of temporal magic, as Renet shook it. “Come on, work, work, come on, I thought we had an understanding.”

The Turtles and Harry were already several feet away from Renet, before they realized she had stopped right in the middle of a stampede, as a large group of dinosaurs came barreling down the trail behind her. Sighing, Don rushed over, before he firmly grasped Renet by the wrist.

“Renet, wake up!” yelled Don, as he pulled Renet forward, causing her to snap out of her state and realize that in fact she was still in the middle of a stampede, as down the trail, the others ducked and dodged, as the dinosaurs seemed to not know where they were going, in fact they did not care if they mowed down anything in their path.

“Man, those things just won’t quit coming!” grumbled Raph, as he leapt from side to side, as several dinosaurs trampled down the path, in an attempt to flatten him.

“Yeah, but at least think of all the exercise we’ll get by dodging these things,” remarked Mikey, as he just barely leapt to the side to avoid a dinosaur charge, before he watched Harry calmly stand with his back towards one of the dinosaurs. Just as the terrible lizard rushed right towards him, Harry flipped over, landing on the beast’s back with expert precision.

“Guys, follow my lead!” called Harry and the others nodded, as Raph spiraled into the air, landing firmly on the back of the dinosaur. Mikey looked around, avoiding being ran over, before he propelled himself onto the dinosaur. Leo copied that movement and landed expertly on the back of the dinosaur, hanging firmly onto the back of its neck, as they moved forward. Don leapt up, also assisting Renet under the back of a stampeding dinosaur. Harry pointed over towards a low cliff to the side, before he propelled himself towards the cliff, managing to land firmly, onto his feet. The others followed themselves one by one, landing on the top of the cliff, out of reach as the dinosaur stampede ran off into the distance, kicking up a huge amount of dust as they disappeared off into the distance.

The entire group regrouped from their near death experience, breathing heavily as Raph turned to Renet with an irritated look on his face.

“Really nice save with the time sceptre, Renet!” snapped Raph, shaking his head, but Renet kneeled down, looking at the time sceptre, with a confused look.

“It’s not my fault, the time sceptre stopped working for some reason,” whined Renet in a defensive tone, as she looked at it. “I don’t understand what could have happened.”

“Could something have shaken loose inside from the stampede?” suggested Harry and this seemed like a profitable avenue of investigation, but a snorting sound distracted the group, causing Raph to spin around when he realized it was coming behind him.

“Hey!” shouted Raph in an agitated voice, as he found out a large triceratops had found its way to the side of the cliff, and was sniffing towards Raph’s back. Raph slowly backed off as the dinosaur looked at Raph.

“Hey, big guy,” commented Mikey as he kneeled down to greet the triceratops, before turning to Raph with a smirk. “I think he likes you Raph, you should embrace this, not many people think you smell good.”

Raph looked at Mikey with an irritated expression etched on his face, as he felt around on the pack on his back, as he heard a slight crunching sound. Reaching in, Raph began to remove something from the pack.

“Lose this?” asked Raph, as he tossed a bag of potato chips right at Mikey’s feet and Mikey just grinned.

“Right, I always keep a bag of chips on me, because you never know when you’re going to need a snack,” remarked Mikey as he watched the dinosaur longingly look at the bag of chips. “Ah, you’re a good dino, aren’t you?”

Mikey opened the back of chips, before he removed one and tossed it to the triceratops.

“I think I’m going to call Zog,” commented Mikey, referring to the Triceraton that assisted them in one of their many battles with the Shredder, as he watched the triceratops eat the potato chip. “Maybe you’re Zog’s great-great-great-great-grand pappy.”

“Mikey, Zog was an alien,” said Don in an indignant voice. “Plus, not to mention you might have just altered all of human history, by feeding to that dinosaur a potato chip from the future.”

Mikey looked on, before shrugging and tossing Zog another chip, which the dinosaur caught and ate, before Raph whacked him across the back of the head with a solid smack.

“Way to go doofus,” criticized Raph as he looked at Mikey in irritation, but they were brought out of their thoughts by a humming sound coming over the time sceptre. “Now what is that thing doing?”

“Oooh, I think it’s overheating, it’s not really supposed to glow read,” said Renet as the time sceptre began to illuminate in a shade of red, as a blinded light appeared, before Zog sniffed the air, before growling angrily as the dinosaur looked towards a rustling sound in the brushes, as there was distinct movement.

“What do see Zog?” asked Mikey, but a group of dinosaurs with glowing red eyes sprung from the bushes and charged the entire group, red eyes glowing, as Don’s widened, as he recognized them immediately.

“Deinonychus,” breathed Don in a voice that was combined with both awe and horror, as the vicious, blood thirsty predators rushed them. “Be careful, they have sharp teeth and a claw that is about as sharp as a sickle on each hand.”

“You know, you being a dinosaur fanatic was more endearing when we weren’t about to get eaten by real dinosaurs,” said Mikey as he screamed as the predators jumped up to join them on the cliff. Quickly, the group scattered, with Leo blocking an attempt of the claw swing with his katana, backing him off, before he jumped up and managed to stagger the beast back with a kick. Harry used his speed to dodge around, forcing two Deinonychus to move his way against them, before Harry jumped up into the air, with a graceful somersault, causing the to beasts to run together, taking each other out.

Raph rushed around, before the beast ripped the Sais out of Raph’s hands with his teeth, before launching them to the ground. A back up plan was to dodge around, before picking the Sais back up, and springing up. Loosening some rocks with his weapon, Raph flung them onto the head of the dinosaur, causing them to crash onto its head, dropping it to the ground, as Mikey screamed, as he was backed off by a dinosaur in the corner. Quickly, Harry and Raph managed to hoist a rock up, to throw it, before getting the beast’s attention. The beast spun around, allowing Mikey to spin his weapon, gaining momentum before he blasted the beast right in the face, backing him off only slightly.

One of the Deinonychus advanced upon Renet, eyes locked on the time sceptre, as it walked forward, possessed like it was on a mission. In an instant, Don moved forward, rushing the dinosaur, engaging it in battle.

“Stand back Renet!” shouted Don, as he swung his Bo Staff right at his dinosaur opponent. The beast caught the weapon in his mouth, before clamping his jaw shut. The end of the Bo Staff snapped off, before Don was knocked backwards, as the dinosaur pushed Don onto his shell, snapping his jaw towards Don’s head, as Don attempted to fight him off, as the others were tied up with the other possessed dinosaurs. He attempted to tuck his feet in to push off, but the dinosaur was unyielding in his attempts to literally bite Don’s head off. Don reached for his Bo Staff, while simultaneously attempting to keep the dinosaur off of him. Then suddenly, Don sneezed hard, causing the beast to stall in its efforts to take a bite out of the turtle.

The beast stepped back as Don pulled himself to his feet, as he looked around, sniffling as he looked from side to side in surprise.

“Saved by a sneeze, now that’s embarrassing,” muttered Don but he was not saved for long as the predator moved towards him but thankfully Zog the Triceratops rushed forward, catching the beast right in the side with a running gore with its horns, dropping the beast. The predator make its way to his feet and was attacked once again, before its eyes stopped glowing red. The Deinonychus looked around, before it ran off, it’s fellows following the predator, as they disappeared back into the bushes, the cloud of their possession having mysteriously lifted. The entire group moved over, looking around.

“Way to go Zog!” praised Mikey in a boisterous voice, as he turned to the Triceratops. “Good solider.”

“Why did those dinos run off suddenly?” demanded Raph. “Did you think we scared them off?”

“No,” answered Harry in a swift and calm matter, as he looked off into the distance, it was almost like the calm before the store, he sensed that something was coming, but what he could not tell.

“So do you think something else bad is coming now?” prodded Raph and Harry turned with a serious expression etched on his face, before he addressed his brother.

“Yes,” said Harry curtly, as a sound of thunderous footsteps echoed in the distance, once again shaking the ground, as the time sceptre still glowed red, as there was obviously something approaching nearby, as he heard several trees crack in the distance as it moved closer. “Something’s coming, something that’s really big.”

“Something that’s big and friendly?” asked Mikey hopefully, but the loud thunderous footsteps that echoed through the distance, not to mention the loud growl, indicated that Mikey could not be further off from his hopes at all.

“More like big and hungry,” inputted Don and the front trees crashed down, as the large growling form of a tyrannosaurus rex appeared. On its back was the form of the diabolical demon sorcerer known as Savanti Romero, who was looking down at them from high above, with a staff, as his steed growled angrily.

“Savanti Romero,” said Leo in a disgusted voice, as the diabolical demon’s high cold laughter echoed throughout the air, as Renet gasped slightly in horror, as Savanti looked down at them.

“Welcome Turtles, welcome Harry Potter,” declared Savanti, as he looked at the group, who looked back at him. “Welcome to your extinction.”

The large tyrannosaurus rex looked down at the Turtles and Harry with a predatory glare, through its glowing red eyes. It was obvious that they were dinner time and they were the main course on the menu.
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