Categories > Original > Fantasy
Split Mirror
1 reviewMan is at it's height of power, but creatures of magic are nearing extinction.
"Being and beast of the order," announced a handsome man dressed in a fine linen toga to a long table that at every seat had a different creature for myths and legends. "We must decide now what we are to do. He has a new level of power with this Roman Empire. He no longer sees us as gods or creatures of true power."
"Then let us open his eyes," shouted the dwarf lord, Gyleer, shaking his ax.
"Yesss, let usss ssshow them just how powerful we really are," said the goblin king, Skull Goblet causing many in the group to start murmuring in agreement.
"Silence!" shouted the left head of a giant two-headed bird. "I did not come halfway around the world to listen to fools like the two of you," said the right. "Though the people that worship me have yet to falter, they will in time. We must find a way to leave. Zeus has brought us all here."
"Thank you, Thunderbird. Through all that follow me, I have found a way to split the dimension into two exactly the same dimensions so we can let man have half while we have a half to ourselves," said Zeus.
"Why don't we fight man and just take this entire one?" asked the centaur leader, Cloudhoof.
"Even if we managed to get the entire order to fight the war could easily go either way," Zeus answered.
"And I can guarantee not the entire order would fight on our side," said the near whispering voice on the King of the dead, Hades. "The ghosts are the only ones that are truly immortal in our order and they would side with the living because they are their decedents. There are also others here that love man too much to fight against them."
"What of the dragons?" asked the ogre leader, Bloodax. "They are the most powerful creature among us."
"No," said the voices of the five dragon fathers in unison.
"My followers have been served too well by humans to have any wish to harm them," said the Asian Lung, Silvertail.
"As are mine," added the amphitere, Quetzalcoatl.
"Mine have never had to deal with more than a few at a time. Few would survive a war, especially in such warm climates," said the frost dragon Selena.
"Too many of ours have died at man's hand already. We can not order them to war," said the European, Pyran, indicating himself and the knuckler, Bane.
"My kind cannot fight in a war either," said a voice that came from a being in a solid black cloak. The figure pulled back its hood revealing a head that a first glance looked like a human skull, but a closer look reveled that it was just that it lacked hair. The skin was sunken in anywhere it could and had no pigment. The eyes were sunken in and solid black. "If as much as one of us was killed the loss would be too great on both sides because of the plagues we carry in our blood." It shook its head. "My kind is the oldest one here. We have watched man rise and fall, but we have noticed that he grows stronger each time he rises. It looks as thought we have no choice."
"I know this is hard for many of you to give up but we must leave, but we must," said Zeus. "We shall take the vote that decides whether we fight or we split the dimension. All in favor of fight."
"Aye," said a few voices.
"All in favor of splitting the dimension."
"Aye," cried most voices.
"Then it is decided, we split the dimension."
The next day all returned to the meeting table to find a dagger that seemed to have been made out of many metals that no one could recognize and a mirror lying on the table.
Zeus picked up the dagger and said, "By shattering this mirror with this special dagger we will split the dimension."
"No!" yelled a deep voice that seemed that seemed to have come from where a nymph was standing. She then looked at a small mirror she was holding and a look of pure terror spread across her face as she threw the mirror on the table.
Slowly a figure seemed to crawl out of the mirror. It looked like a man made entirely out of shadows except for some silver marking on his skin. He was wearing a sand colored cloak a mask made out of silver with no feature except a few cracks in it and two eyeholes that exposed two eyes that looked human if it were not for that the irises were red in color. However, the most unusual thing about his garb was the silver objects on his fingers that seemed to be some kind of artificial claws.
"Do not carry on with this ritual," it said while another figure like him crawled out of the mirror. This figure, however, looked like woman instead and her mask had many eyeholes each of which had an eye like the other behind it.
"We must," said Zeus.
"You do not know everything that will happen because of it."
"We have no choice," Zeus said as he plunged the dagger into the mirror.
From the point that the dagger entered, two cracks formed splitting the mirror one crack seemed to continue through the air and hit the male shadow in the mask causing another crack to appear in it. He cried out in pain then collapsed.
The other crack shot through the air and hit Zeus in the chest. This caused Zeus' heart to split open killing him instantly.
Panic seemed to spread through the crowd as a few people had simply vanished. The female shadow called for silence and all quickly obeyed.
"This is what we warned you about," she said. "Let me explain what just happened. When Zeus did the ritual the force of it shot in two directions. Zeus was killed by the force."
"What about him?" asked a dryad pointing at the collapsed shadow.
"Sarnoc here still lives, he is not as lucky. He will be unconscious for a hundred years and when he wakes up he will be in great pain," the female shadow said saying the last part with sadness. "The reason some have just disappeared is that they are in the other dimension. Some creatures of your type are in this dimension, some in the other half, and some in a dimension that had just been created naturally; however, this ritual affects man differently than all others. Now every man that existed in that dimension also exist in both dimensions created. But the ones in this dimension are less intelligent, if you go into hiding, you will survive. The ones in the other half do not have this luck."
She picked up the other shadow and took the mirror that had been split. Slowly she walked to the small mirror on the table and said, "Both of the dimensions will enter a Dark Age because of what you have done." She then sank into the small mirror and disappeared.
"Then let us open his eyes," shouted the dwarf lord, Gyleer, shaking his ax.
"Yesss, let usss ssshow them just how powerful we really are," said the goblin king, Skull Goblet causing many in the group to start murmuring in agreement.
"Silence!" shouted the left head of a giant two-headed bird. "I did not come halfway around the world to listen to fools like the two of you," said the right. "Though the people that worship me have yet to falter, they will in time. We must find a way to leave. Zeus has brought us all here."
"Thank you, Thunderbird. Through all that follow me, I have found a way to split the dimension into two exactly the same dimensions so we can let man have half while we have a half to ourselves," said Zeus.
"Why don't we fight man and just take this entire one?" asked the centaur leader, Cloudhoof.
"Even if we managed to get the entire order to fight the war could easily go either way," Zeus answered.
"And I can guarantee not the entire order would fight on our side," said the near whispering voice on the King of the dead, Hades. "The ghosts are the only ones that are truly immortal in our order and they would side with the living because they are their decedents. There are also others here that love man too much to fight against them."
"What of the dragons?" asked the ogre leader, Bloodax. "They are the most powerful creature among us."
"No," said the voices of the five dragon fathers in unison.
"My followers have been served too well by humans to have any wish to harm them," said the Asian Lung, Silvertail.
"As are mine," added the amphitere, Quetzalcoatl.
"Mine have never had to deal with more than a few at a time. Few would survive a war, especially in such warm climates," said the frost dragon Selena.
"Too many of ours have died at man's hand already. We can not order them to war," said the European, Pyran, indicating himself and the knuckler, Bane.
"My kind cannot fight in a war either," said a voice that came from a being in a solid black cloak. The figure pulled back its hood revealing a head that a first glance looked like a human skull, but a closer look reveled that it was just that it lacked hair. The skin was sunken in anywhere it could and had no pigment. The eyes were sunken in and solid black. "If as much as one of us was killed the loss would be too great on both sides because of the plagues we carry in our blood." It shook its head. "My kind is the oldest one here. We have watched man rise and fall, but we have noticed that he grows stronger each time he rises. It looks as thought we have no choice."
"I know this is hard for many of you to give up but we must leave, but we must," said Zeus. "We shall take the vote that decides whether we fight or we split the dimension. All in favor of fight."
"Aye," said a few voices.
"All in favor of splitting the dimension."
"Aye," cried most voices.
"Then it is decided, we split the dimension."
The next day all returned to the meeting table to find a dagger that seemed to have been made out of many metals that no one could recognize and a mirror lying on the table.
Zeus picked up the dagger and said, "By shattering this mirror with this special dagger we will split the dimension."
"No!" yelled a deep voice that seemed that seemed to have come from where a nymph was standing. She then looked at a small mirror she was holding and a look of pure terror spread across her face as she threw the mirror on the table.
Slowly a figure seemed to crawl out of the mirror. It looked like a man made entirely out of shadows except for some silver marking on his skin. He was wearing a sand colored cloak a mask made out of silver with no feature except a few cracks in it and two eyeholes that exposed two eyes that looked human if it were not for that the irises were red in color. However, the most unusual thing about his garb was the silver objects on his fingers that seemed to be some kind of artificial claws.
"Do not carry on with this ritual," it said while another figure like him crawled out of the mirror. This figure, however, looked like woman instead and her mask had many eyeholes each of which had an eye like the other behind it.
"We must," said Zeus.
"You do not know everything that will happen because of it."
"We have no choice," Zeus said as he plunged the dagger into the mirror.
From the point that the dagger entered, two cracks formed splitting the mirror one crack seemed to continue through the air and hit the male shadow in the mask causing another crack to appear in it. He cried out in pain then collapsed.
The other crack shot through the air and hit Zeus in the chest. This caused Zeus' heart to split open killing him instantly.
Panic seemed to spread through the crowd as a few people had simply vanished. The female shadow called for silence and all quickly obeyed.
"This is what we warned you about," she said. "Let me explain what just happened. When Zeus did the ritual the force of it shot in two directions. Zeus was killed by the force."
"What about him?" asked a dryad pointing at the collapsed shadow.
"Sarnoc here still lives, he is not as lucky. He will be unconscious for a hundred years and when he wakes up he will be in great pain," the female shadow said saying the last part with sadness. "The reason some have just disappeared is that they are in the other dimension. Some creatures of your type are in this dimension, some in the other half, and some in a dimension that had just been created naturally; however, this ritual affects man differently than all others. Now every man that existed in that dimension also exist in both dimensions created. But the ones in this dimension are less intelligent, if you go into hiding, you will survive. The ones in the other half do not have this luck."
She picked up the other shadow and took the mirror that had been split. Slowly she walked to the small mirror on the table and said, "Both of the dimensions will enter a Dark Age because of what you have done." She then sank into the small mirror and disappeared.
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