Categories > Books > Harry Potter

snivellus, crucio

by Brandt 0 reviews

Ol Snivvy gets his just due.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry,Snape - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-06-29 - Updated: 2008-06-29 - 560 words

A/N: This was just something silly I thought up one day when I was board to tears, and had no internet to read fanfiction with.

Disclaimer: I sure own Harry potter, yeah, and J.K is a paedophile, yadda yadda yadda!

Harry Potter walked down the street, contemplating his life up to this point. Everything was so confusing. For ten years, he lived in a closet, and then after the letter came, his fat pig of an uncle moved him in to Duddykin's second bedroom in fear of the freaks. Harry was wondering what he did in his past lives to deserve this fate. Damn it, he never hurt anyone!

Then there was Hagrid, taking him away from the Dursleys on his eleventh birthday. Then the ferret spoilt his happiness. Stupid dumb ass hole and Weasel. Yeah, Malfoi was rite; Ron was a Weasel, and a jealous one at that. Then there was Dumbledore. Damn, Stupid, controlling, manipulative sun of a bitch!

Harry was not depressed, nor sad, he was angry. If it weren't for Dumbledore and Voldemort life would've been so much easier. Stupid Dumbleshit for believing a stupid batty, fake Divination teacher who made a stupid prophesy. Stupid Snivellus for handing the first part of the stupid prophesy to Voldemort. Oh yeah, thanks to a letter from Padfoot, Harry now know that it was the stupid greasy git who handed over the prophecy. Stupid Voldefuck for believing the prophecy in the first place and for killing his parents.

Harry was now so angry his blood boiled. Therefore, when he felt a sharp blow to the back of his head he couldn't help himself. He spun around, pulled out his wand and shouted "Crucio!" with all of his anger and will behind the spell. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending from whose point of view you are looking, Snivellus Snape, renowned potions torturer had the bad luck to be on "Harry watch" this day. Fortunately, for Dudley, dear ol Snivellus was standing smack bang in the middle. That is to say, right between the business end of Harry's wand and the fat whale himself when the "Crucio" was fired.

Unfortunately, for Snivellus, Harry had a lesson in Cruciatus casting from Bellatrix Lestrange, the torturer of the Longbottoms, and the 1 and only killer of dear ol Padfoot.

Fortunately, for Harry, the invisibility cloak slipped and Snivellus was visible once more. So Harry held the curse; and he held it; and he held it some more. Approximately 2 seconds after the "Crucio" struck, one of the devices on Dumbleshit's desk would've made one hell of a noise, but unfortunately, for Snivellus, that is, Harry broke said device the night Dumbleshit tolled him the prophecy.

Therefore, tragedy struck Hogwarts. Due to one 5 minute round of "Crucio", from the Boy who lived no less, Snivellus spent the rest of his life Drooling in St'Mungo's mental ward rite between Lockhart and the Longbottoms.

Thanks to a nice and nifty, guess what? Potion found by the boy who lived, slayer of the dark tosser in the restricted section of the library; no way! The tracking charm on his wand was nullified, and Dumbleshit believed that dear ol' Tommy boy found his spy. Voldecrap, of course new that Harry potter, boy who lived, sent his potions brewer to StMungos, but who would believe testimony from a dark lord!
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