Categories > Original > Poetry > Loving in rhymes

Moonlight Girl

by Saraja 0 reviews

Dark night and a lost girl

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-02 - Updated: 2008-07-02 - 139 words

She is a moonlight girl without a face
She's never seen, she's never heard
Death follows where she goes under the moon
Her song is heard when you listen

She is a moonlight girl without a soul
She sings a lullaby all the night long
Siren without a voice, just a small girl
She lost her way and she doesn't care

She is a moonlight girl without a smile
Searching for loneliness, is that a crime?
Blood marks her passage and those that she met
Can't tell you about her, they are all dead

Moonlight girl lacking a face, soul and smile
She likes to pretend that she's still alive
Normalcy no longer means anything
Only blood in the night when moon's shining

She is a moonlight girl, so be careful
She feasts on nights when the moon's full
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