Categories > Original > Drama > If You Fall We Will Catch You; The Jonas Family

Some Things Never Change

by Jamette006 1 review

Meredith finds herself happy with life 7 months later.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-07-03 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - 993 words - Complete

July 20, 2008 7 months later

“Looks like all the hard work paid off,”Kevin grinned as he sat down on the couch with the rest of his siblings, a bowl of popcorn in hand.

“Psht. What hard work? All you had to do was stand around and say stupid things,”Meredith teased. Kevin shrugged.

“Hey. It was still fun...”

“Hasta La Vista was definitely the best,”she giggled, sitting up straighter to get a better view of the television as the last show in the Hannah Montana marathon ended.

“Here it comes,”Frankie said excitedly. Nick ruffled his hair as they all waited for it. About ten minutes into the movie, Meredith’s cell phone rang. She groaned as she took it out. It was Demi.

“Gotta take this one, guys. Be back soon,”she said, answering the phone and heading towards the kitchen.

“Hey. What’s up?”

“Are you watching the movie?!”Demi yelled in the phone. Meredith took it back from her ear.

“Yes, Demi, I’m watching the movie. Anything else?”


“Okay, then, bye,”Meredith rolled her eyes as she clicked the phone shut, and hurried back into the livingroom, squishing between Kevin and Joe to make room for herself. Nick smiled over at his older sister.

“When’s Mitchel coming over?”

“Hour or so,”she shrugged, focused on the movie. It went to commercial break.

“You did great in that scene,”commented Denise Jonas.

“Thanks,”Meredith grinned. It was her main part, where her character Ella had sang with Barron and Sander. Roshon and Jordan were great at dancing. And she had finally gotten a chance to have the stage mostly to herself. The spotlight on her.

“We didn’t know our little sister could rock so well,”Joe smiled, giving her a small hug.

“Shush,”Meredith wrinkled her nose up,“it’s coming back on.” She pushed Joe’s arm off of her.

Almost exactly the same time the credits began rolling, the doorbell rung.

“Well I wonder who that could be?”Mr. Jonas asked sarcastically from his recliner. Meredith chuckled.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Daddy,”she said, running out of the room to get the door.

“Mitchel!”she exclaimed as she opened the door. He smirked.

“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”

“Oh, you’re always so old-school,”she grinned, giving him a bear hug. He returned it.

“Now, do I get to come in, or are you just going to leave me out here?”he grinned.

“Ah, I don’t know. I’m not supposed to pick up strays.” Mitchel gave her a pretend hurt look. She stuck her lower lip out.

“Oh, but you’re just so cute, I can’t resist. Come on, you dip-wad,”her eyes sparkled as she dragged him into the house by his hand.

“Hey Mitchel,”the boys greeted him as Meredith ushered him into the livingroom. Mr. And Mrs. Jonas said hello also. Meredith put on a puppy dog face.

“Daddy, can I keep him?”

Mr. Jonas raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

“As long as he has his shots.”

“Yay!”Meredith laughed, then took Mitchel’s hand again.

“Come on, I wanna show you something!”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down, cowgirl. I’m out of breath.”

“Take a breath, Mitch.”

“How ‘bout I show you something?”he chuckled, him now leading her out to the back porch. Meredith took a breath, calming down some. She was so hyper. The moon was out tonight, and the sky was clear so you could see the stars. It was a perfect summer night. She turned to Mitchel.

“What did you want to show me?”

He smiled shyly. Meredith blinked, a bit confused.

“Come here,”he said, motioning her to sit down with him. She did, then looked up at him expectantly.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”he asked.

“Well, so are you,”she smiled.

“Yeah. I get that a lot.” Meredith smacked his arm lightly, trying to look calm, but her heart was pounding. Her eyes widened a bit, but she quickly went back to a composed face, when she saw Kevin, Nick, and Joe peeking out the window at them. They were so going to get it when Mitchel left. She looked back up at Mitchel, and finally knew what it was like to get lost in someone’s eyes. He bent down, his face inches away from hers. She put a hand on his neck, a bit uncertain, but then brought her head up so their lips connected.

It didn’t last that long, thanks to her sweet, but overprotective, brothers. There was a crash as they all tried to get through the glass sliding door at the same time. Meredith looked up, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, erm, sorry, we didn’t know you guys were out here,”said Nick.

“Yeah, well Mom wanted us to ask if you wanted ice cream,”Joe nodded.

“And it’s getting late,”Kevin smirked. Meredith sighed, and Mitchel stood up, looking somewhat embarrassed. He went into the house, leaving the rest of them to stare after him. Meredith didn’t waste time slapping each of her brothers in the chest.

“Ow!”Joe whined. “What was that for?!”

“Yeah, we didn’t do anything!”Kevin exclaimed in his most innocent.

“You guys are horrible,”Meredith laughed, hugging all of them. Joe tripped, and they all ended up in a big pile on the porch.

“Just looking out for our favorite sister,”said Joe.

“Well, thanks,”Meredith giggled. “I’ll always feel uber safe with you guys around.”

“Psht, you should,”Nick chuckled.

“Yeah, after all, you owe us,”stated Joe. Meredith gave him a weird look.

“For what, may I ask?”

“Well, for lots of stuff.”

“Sure, Joe.” Meredith jumped up.

“Last one to the kitchen is Demi Lovato!”she yelled, running. Nick and Kevin looked over and Joe. He waved it off.

“Some things never change.”
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