Categories > TV > Power Rangers > Pathway to Crimson Heaven

Proposals and abductions

by shikigami99

Sky proposes to Bridge but then tragedy strikes

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2008-07-09 - Updated: 2008-07-09 - 1638 words

Chapter 17: Proposals and abductions

Disclaimer: Dont own

Sky was sitting in bed while Bridge fed him applesauce. " Sky that was amazing!! " said Bridge. Sky smiled and swallowed some more applesauce. " Yeah Ive never felt anything that powerful before, so now that we have the sword of Muten we go after Zangetsu? ". Bridge nodded " Yeah but not right away you need to rest more- SKY! ". The Man grabbed Bridge and pulled him onto the bed " I have

lots of energy as you should no better then anyone ". Bridge grinned and rubbed his lovers bare chest " True why dont you show me all this energy ". Sky grinned wickedly and ripped his boxers off...( palace of the dark fang, Zangetsus room ). Zangetsu has rallied all his his people, Zangetsus second in command Bob was currently on leave but would be back soon, third in command was Naraku, a

demon made up of other ones. After Naraku was the four heavenly emperors, Hotaru of flame, Seymour of earth, Merlin of wind, and Ariel of water. They have gathered to hear there leaders plan. Zangetsu stood " Muten has been discovered, and it along with Seiten will soon be in our grasp! ". Suddenly Wendy burst in "Forgive me great Zangetsu but about- Zangetsu raised his hand and the

kunoichi fell silent. " Yes, you seem to have taken a likeing to a one Schuyler Tate ". " Likeing the bitch is in heat simply and I dont mind helping out with it. Wendy glared at the owner of the voice. Seymour his hair was dark blue, and he wore robes of shiny emerald on his muscular body, he was a well known pervert. " Seymour keep it in your robes you imbecile " said Merlin distainfully,

the wind emperor was a bird demon with face of a hawke and large brown wings, he wore brown and yellow robes. " Cram it bird brain " said Seymour. " Oh Seymour you pig must you go after anything with breast " said Ariel, she was flat chested, and not very pretty by mermaid standards, her blue hair was the only nice looking thing about her, she wore blue robes, to cover her scaly legs.

" Seeing as you dont have any... " Seymour quietly. Ariel flared up. But a stream of fire put her down " Will you idiots stop ". Hotaru was the youngest, his hair was flaming red, he wore red shorts, and an open chested white shirt, and sandals. Naraku stood up suddenly and walked over to Zangetsu wearing his trademark white babbon jacket, his long black hair in a pony tail " Zangetsu I

have an I dead. He whispered into the red guys ear. When he pulled away Zangetsu was grinning very evily " Why Naraku that is very evil indeed, as you wish tomarrow Wendy you shall go with Naraku, dismissed. Everyone left the room and set off to make preparations for tomarow. Hotaru looked out at the horizon " Looks like we are to meet again Akira, I will make you pay for breaking

my heart!! "... Sky was showing Bridge how much energy he had, by ramming him with all fourteen inches of his joystick. Bridge was clinging onto Sky for dear life, as the muscled man flailed wildly Bridge could feel his head spinning His prostate had never known a plowing like this and it was crying from pleasure, Skys sweat covered them both making the experience all the hotter


B( his eyes are rolling back into his gead ): AHHHAHA, YES DADDY SAME FOR ME!!



With those words spoken Sky came like no one in existence had ever cum. Before blacking out Bridge felt Skys semen splatter his insides, and...something odd, he couldnt explain it, a feeling creation, but all thoughts were lost in the exstacy of darkness... Meanwhile outside money was being swapped

Riku: Pay up Akira!, we told you he would propose during sex!, right Gaara?

Gaara: Correct

Akira: Damn you, 1,000,000.25

In the morning Sky was spooning against Bridge " What the hell possesed me to propose during sex!!, I wanted the moment to be super special... Though last night was special, but still " Bridge started to stur, he yawned and turned to face Sky " Morning cutie " Sky nodded nervously " Maybe he doesnt remember, I mean seriously I fucked his brains! ". Bridge smiled knowingly " I do

remember Sky, though we may have been in the heat of passion, no matter how much of my brains you fucked out, I heard you, and I said yes, Sky i will marry you ". Sky had the worlds biggest smile on his face, he hugged Bridge tightly " Really you want to marry me? ". Bridge nodded " On one conditon... can I change my last name to Tate? ". Skys face truly lit up " Yes of course you

can!! ". They fucked then got up to get dressed " You know this is...perfect " said Sky as he put on some new boxers " After we defeat Zangetsu, we can go back to Newtech City, get married and move into our new house! ". Bridge finished getting dressed " You make it all sound so easy ". Sky put his shirt on " As long as were together it will be ". As soon as they entered Muras living

room confetti fell all over them, and a huge banner that read " Congradulations Tate family! ". They all sat down and enjoyed food and drinks. " Congrats, I knew you two would get hitched, to bad it couldnt have been more traditional " said Akira. Riku clapped Bridge on the back " Way to go ". Stefan shook Skys hand " Im very happy for you ". Soon it was time to leave, so they packed up

all there things and met at the front door. " What are you doing? " Akira asked Stefan. The priest had a backpack on to. " He's coming with us " said Riku simply. Akira didnt look happy about this but held his tongue. Mura smiled at them all. " You have many tough battles ahead so stay strong, especialy you Bridge Tate, you have more then one life to worry about now ". Bridge stared at

the sword smith " What does that mean? ". Mura smiled mysteriously " Oh nothing, well off you go ". They waved goodbye and off they were. " Where is the palace of the dark fang at anyway? " asked Sky. Riku pulled out a map " Through the cliffs of Berstinetrix ". They walked till they came to the opening of the cliffs, it was a path in between two cliffs. " Well set out in the, lets make camp

now " said Bridge. So everyone went to work, they had about two tents, Gaara doesnt sleep, and Akira sleeps outside. Stefan and Sky made a dinner of steak and salad. After that they stared at the stars " There so bright out here " commented Sky. Stefan nodded " Yeah different from a big city, so Sky what are you and Bridge going to do after this, besides get married? ". Sky blushed

" Oh crap I just remembered ". " What? " asked Bridge. Sky smiled sheepishly " Well before I left Cruger told me that you and I would still have places when we came back, with Gruum and Broodwing gone, Jack decided to quit SPD to be with that girl Ally, so we get upgraded ". Bridges eyes grew wide " Sky that means youll be the Red ranger ". Sky opened his arms " And youll be Blue

" Bridge leaped into his arms. " Oh Sky things are perfect ". ( Which is always where things fall apart ). Demons swarmed out of the cliffs and surrounded the group. Sitting on the head of a crow demon was Wendy and Naraku. " Hey Sky I missed you! " called Wendy. Sky smirked " Well I sure didnt miss you ". Naraku laughed " How cruel of you to spur her lust, oh and I am Naraku by the

way ". " Ive heard of him, he was once some bandit who was caught in a fire and nearly burned to death, he made a pact with some demons, in exchange for his flesh he would recieve a new demonic body, that is Naraku " said Riku. Naraku nodded " True, you are well informed, but enough pleasentries, time to get what we came for " The demons lunged at the group. Bridge pulled out his

sword " Attack!! ". They fought back against the demons but it was quickly becoming clear that they were outnumbered. " Dammit the more we kill the more show up!! " yelled Akira impaling a worm demon with his swords. Sky and Bridge were fighting back to back " You okay? " asked Sky. Bridge nodded " save your worries for later ". A large demon appeared in front of Bridge he prepared

to kill it but the felt a strange pain run through his body. Kyoshiro?, yes and something else. Bridge fell down. " Bridge!! " yelled Sky he cut the demon with the Sword of Muten but out of the cut sprang Wendy, the ninja hurled a sphere at Sky and the man was blasted off his feet and caught by a tentacle snaking out of Narakus coat " Weve got what we came for time to leave Wendy " The

ninja jumped to his side and they began to float up in a purple bubble. Bridge struggled to his feet " SKY!!, let him go you muthafuckers!!, RED WIND SLASH!! ". Bridges attack destroyed all the demons and smashed into the bubble and dissapeared " My barrier is to strong for you whahahah!! " laughed Naraku. " Bye bye Bridgey wish Sky and I luck on lots of hot SEX whhahaha "

Wendy joined in Narakus laughter till they disapeared. Bridge fell to his knees tears streaming down his face " SKYYYYY!! "...TBC

next chapter: Bridge VS Kyoshiro, flaming wolf, and frozen whale, I am truly EVIL, WHAHAHAHAHAH, till then.
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