Categories > TV > Power Rangers > Pathway to Crimson Heaven

Wielder of Muten: Cut through all Ragna blade!!

by shikigami99 0 reviews

The wielder of Void Heaven is revealed!!

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-07 - Updated: 2008-07-07 - 1390 words

Chapter 16: Wielder of Muten: Cut through all Ragna blade!!

Disclaimer: I dont own Saiyuki or power rangers, or The slayers, or naruto

Sanzo had finaly made it back to Kinzan temple. It had tooken him three days to heal, and anoth two to report to Zangetsu. As he walked into the place he immediatly heard a familiar annoying voice " SANNNNZOOOO " The voice belonged to a boy of eightteen, with short brown hair, wearing a golden diadem on his head, and blue shorts. " Sanzo youve been gone for so long due you still remember

me, its Son Goku, ack! " Sanzo smacked the boy on the head with a paper fan " You idiot I could be gone an eternity and never forget a moron like you " Goku rubbed his head and smiled. Sanzo could still remember, it three years ago he had found Goku chained up inside a mountain. The legend of that area was there was a demon who had been banished from the heavens, that is Goku. At first

Sanzo hadnt believed that the bottomless pit of a child he had picked up was really the Seiten Taisei, the great sage equaling heaven!!. " Well the mighty lord prissy boy has returned " said a tall, long red haired and red eyed man. Sha Gojyo, half human and half demon, a child of taboo, his hair and eyes are a sign of his unusual herritage. Sanzo scolwed " Watch it you stinking Kappa! ". "

Oh my Sanzo seems to have returned " This person was a few inches shorter then Gojyo, had short black hair, green eyes, a monical on his right one, ear cuffs on his left ear, and a kind smile on his face. Cho Hakkai, he was a human living in a sinful relationship with his older twin sister when she was sacrificed by the villagers to the centipede demon king, in his rage Hakkai

killed half of the villagers and a thousand of the centipeds demons, being transfigured into a demon himself, the ear cuffs he wears function as a demon power limiter as does gokus Diadem, to take them off brings out there true demon forms, Hakkais is brutal and he has little control over it, same as Goku, if the monkey king were to take his off... it would be bad. The four went into the

kitchen where Hakkai had dinner waiting. As they sat down to eat They grilled Sanzo. " So you kicked the guys ass right priesty? " said Gojyo. " Thats a stupid question of course he did right Sanzo? " said Goku. " Who are you calling stupid you bean monkey! " yelled Gojyo, " You, perverted Kappa! " yelled Goku, and the usual fight began. Hakkkai sipped his tea pleasantly, and Sanzo

stared at the two with murder in his eyes, he pulled out his silver gun " Either you stupid waste of skin stop or youll both be pissin lead!! ". Gojyo and Goku gripped each " Okay were stoppin see ". As they returned to the table Hakkai asked " So Sanzo how did it go? ". The monk lit a cigarret " I got my ass kicked "... Mura lead Sky down to the spot where the sword of Muten was. As they

aproached the door the seals on it vanished and the door swung open. In side was a dark room built of blue bricks. Sky looked up and saw a sword chained in mid air. " The sword of Void heaven and nothingness, it is the strongest of the Tenchi Kaigen, for it is said to hold a piece of the lord of nightmares inside it!! " Sky stared at the sword in awe " You think I can use it? " Mura nodded "

This sword was left in my care because no one had been able to wield that sword, all who tried, died, but I believe you may be it's chosen master, youve been hearing a strange noise lately havent you? ". Sky nodded " It was the sword calling to me? " Mura smiled " Yep, I have never seen it so impationt it truly wants you to use it " Sky stared at the suspended sword in its sheath " I will

be able to take it right? ". Mura shrugged " It wont be as easy as simply unchaing the sword, youll have to break the spell on it to so it will truly accept you, but if you cant you will die- huh " Sky had already made up his mind he reached toward the sword and something sharp smacked his hand away " It wont be easy, you have to really want it, have a reason ". Sky closed his eyes and

reached out " I want to protect my lover!! "... Outside Bridge and the others were still fighting Kakashi. Riku sent waves of black energy but all he hit was air Kakashi appeared behind the demon lightning crackling. Riku couldnt react fast enough but luckily a wall of diamond rose between them. Riku looked in Stefans direction and smiled. The priest skin had turned diamondy and he fired

missiles at the grey haired ninja. Kakashi caught one and charged it with electricity and hurled it at the group exploding. " Hey old man whose side are you on!! " screamed Akira. " Leave him alone he's trying to help!! " screamed Riku. The two began arguing Gaara and Bridge shook there heads. Bridge charged the ninja " Red wind slash!! " Crimson wind whipped toward Kakashi "

Lightning warp!! " Kakashi slashed a air making a hole and dissapeared inside it missing Bridges attack. " Dammit he can go into another dimension to!, damn this guy is bad ass " said Akira. " Dont cheer for the enemy dumbass! " yelled Riku and Gaara. Kakashi zipped around them attacking and hiding in his dimension of lightning. " How do we defeat him? " wondered Bridge " Hmph

is the geat king in need of assistance " Bridge froze as he felt his darkness paralyzing him "Kyoshiro stay back!! ". " Ahh but my King I cant allow anything to befall our body seeing as very soon it will be mine!! ". As Bridge continued his inner battle Kakashi thought it was time to get the sword of Seiten. He opened his dimension jumped at Bridge. But he quickly jumped back as a blast

of silver energy narrowly missed him. Everyone looked in the direction it came from and saw Schuyler Tate holding a medium sized, silver bladed sword, energy crackled around his body. Riku gasped " He's wielding the sword of Muten! ". Sky started walking forward " Now Kakashi lets pick up where we left off " A piece of the lord of nightmares free yourself from the worlds bonds, blade frozen dark void,

become one with my power, one with my body and together walk the path of destruction, Smash even the souls of the gods, Ragna blade!! ". The sword of the void transformed, losing its physical form it changed into pure black chaos and Sky gripped it in his hands, " What is that? " asked Akira. " The sword of Muten, the strongest of the five great weapons, is a direct piece of the lord of

nightmares, Ragna blade a techniue where the sword becomes darkness, a blade that can cut anything, even existence!! " explained Stefan. Sky ran at the ninja and Kakashi immediately went into his dimension. " Cut through all!! " screamed Sky slasing at the spot of Kakashis hiding spot. At first it appeared as if nothing had happened till... There was a defeaning blast and

Kakashi was seen being obliterated along with his lightning dimension. " YAYYYYY, SKY YOU DID IT!! " screamed Bridge. " Way to go!! " agreed Akira. " That was spectacular!! " said Stefan. " Good go " smiled Gaara. " It wasnt as pathetic as I thought it would be " said Riku smirking. Sky gave them a thumbs up and collapsed onto the ground... " So Sanzo now what? " asked Hakkai "

Yeah do you still intend to go after this psyco " asked Gojyo. The priest silently smoked on a cigarett. " Oh Sanzo, I just remembered a letter came for you " said Goku pulling a crumpled letter out of his pocket. Sanzo glared at him " You should give me stuff like this right away you brainless ape! " He snatched the letter and silently read, when finished he ripped it to shreds " It

seems Bridge Carson and a band of fighters are going after Zangetsu ". Gojyo took a swig of Warm Sake " so your holiness what does that mean for us? "...TBC

Next chapter: Proposals and abductions, till then
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