Categories > TV > Power Rangers > Pathway to Crimson Heaven

A VS S: Battle royale

by shikigami99 0 reviews

Bridge and his crew squares off against the A-squad

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-07 - Updated: 2008-07-07 - 1920 words

Chapter 15: A VS S: Battle royale

Disclaimer: Dont own

Tina you were right A-squad red ranger is named Charlie

Bridge and company, faced down the A-squad. " Wait a minute, instead of Fighting mindlessly I propose a roundabout " Said Charlie. Riku spoke for everyone " Fine whos first? ". The pink A-squad ranger stepped forward, in her hands was a large heavy looking spear " I Paris will go first ". Riku walked up " Beauty before ugly guys ". Akira laughed " Then why are you going? " Riku smiled and flipped

him the bird. Match 1, Riku VS Paris yelled Mura " Begin ". Paris ran at Riku with suprising speed considering the weapon she was wielding, and thrusted the tip. Riku yawned and easily dodged. " Come on Stefan thrust harder and faster then that and his spears a hell of a lot bigger ". The priest turned extremely red but was smiling none the less. Paris hissed " Arrongant fairy!! ". Her attacks

became more vicous and quick but Riku still dodged them. Riku jumped into the air " Got you now, Forest of spears!! ". Paris slammed her weapon into the ground, and identical spears burst out the ground " Fall to your death!! ". Stefan moved to help but was halted by Gaara " Relax Rikus about to end it ". The white haired demon Gripped his sword in one hand, and made a sweeping

motion, a wave of black energy surged forward destroying all the spears were destroyed and Paris was knocked on her back. Riku landed gracefully " Give up, you cant beat me human ". Paris screamed in rage " Spear dragon rise!! ". Parises Spear transformed into a large dragon. its head a spear shape. Riku shook his head " That would be impressive if not in the hands of an idiot ". The

dragon dove toeard Riku " Beast of lightning, tear my opponent to shreds, Black Byakko!! " Riku dissapeared and a huge black tiger with claws of black lightning appeared. It met the Spear dragon and with one swipe killed it. Paris screamed as the tiger headed toward her, but it dissapeared and Riku kicked her in the stomache knocking her out. " Winner Riku!! " yelled Mura. Riku

walked back over to the others " Praise me for I am victorious! ". Stefan hugged him " You were amazing ". Yellow glared " Dont worry Paris, I Darryl shall make up for your defeat! ". He clapped his hands together making a metal clanking noise. " Metal gauntlets " said Gaara " He's mine ". Next match: Gaara VS Darryl, begin. Darryl raised his fist and darted at Gaara aiming for his

face, but all he met was a wall of sand. " What the! " exclaimed Darryl. The sand tried to envelope him, but he dislodged his fist with the other one and retreated back a bit. " Close combats not good with this guy, have to change tactics ". " How did Gaara do that? " asked Sky " Gaara has a sand wraith sealed named Shukaku sealed inside his body, it gives him control over sand, it also

gives him insomnia as youll have noticed from his eyes " explained Bridge. Darryl began rapidly punching the ground till he'd made a large hole, he then pressed his palms down, the earth behan to shake " Gloves of gaia, ground shatter!! The ground began to split open beneath Gaara " Fall into Hell!! and be crushed!! ". But instead of falling, sand poured out of Gaaras gourd and became a

pillow floating him above Darryls hole " Pathetic " said Gaara " Dessert coffin ", Darryl was wrapped in sand and floated above the ground " Gaara dont kill him! " yelled Bridge. " Gaara stared at the man " I wasnt going to, but he's not leaving unscathed, dessert funeral ". Darryls lower body was crushed and dropped onto the ground " I broke his arms and legs, he will live ". Gaara turned and

walked away " Winner Gaara ". Darryl was dragged back over to his side. Akira pulled out his swords " Jesus christ, cant we get some strong opponents ". The blue A-squad ranger Conner brandished a large hammer " youll see whose weak and who is strong ". Akira VS Conner Begin!! Conner raised his hammer and water began swirling around him " Hammer of Aqua, water encampment!!

" Water surged out, but it was frozen solid. " What is this?! " demanded Conner. Ice was forming along the area. " I have control over ice " stated Akira " Water wont work on me, see ya, Breath of shiva, Icy wrath!! " Conner was encased in a giant iceberg, then it shattered and Conner was lying on the floor shivering " Akira victor! ". This is bad, there to strong " said Marik " A-squad green

ranger worried. Charlie simply smiled and pulled out a glowing crystal " The crystal of Vegeta, it gives great power but you must want to win and love battle, do you Marik cause I sure do! ". Marik nodded and hesentantly touched the crystal energy flooded into his body " AHHHHHHHH!! " Mariks burst out of his ranger form. His body bulked out, red hair covered his body, and a monkey like

tail burst out his back side,( Just think super saiyan 4 Goku ). A large sword appeared in his hand " Oh I feel good, who is it I am to defeat ". " Okay he turned into a chimp " said Riku " The crystal of Vegeta, gives people the power of a fallen race of monkey demons, it increases there physical powers and grants them energy manipulation " explained Stefan. Bridge unsheathed his sword

" Hell be greatly stronger then the other three ". Bridge stared at the red blade and took a deep breath, Sky kissed him on the forehead " Becareful, and focus on the light ". Bridge nodded and headed over. Kyoshiro- I mean Bridge VS Marik, Begin!! Marik chuckled " The Crimson King, I feel special hahaha ". Bridge rolled his eyes and went into an offensive stance " It wont last long so

enjoy! ". He quick stepped, and appeared in front of Marrik. But the oversized monkey had expected this. Marik grabbed Bridge by the shoulder and hurled him into the air and took off after him " Bridge!! " screamed Sky, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Bridge was suprised but quickly assed the situation, He saw Marik coming at him and quickly moved into a defensive pose.

CLANG!! there blades met and they spun around in the air trying to push the other away. As they plummeted down Bridge knew he had to make it so Marik was on the bottom, The ground got closer till BOOOOM. Dusk filled the area, " Whose standing? " koffed Riku. As the dust settled they could see a figure standing, but who... Bridge!!, was standing over Mariks crumpled body. " I

made him hit the ground first " smirked Bridge as he started to walk away. Sky and the others cheered. But Bridge stopped when he sensed a pulsating power, Marik was standing up and getting bigger, hair was covering his whole body, and his face was getting more beast like. Marik roared and out his mouth came a massive energy blast . Bridge dodged it, and Charlie seized her chance,

she darted past Bridge and Marik and headed for Mura, but Sky blocked her path " I already told you I am your opponent ". Charlie glared " Fine ". Mura moved away " Sky VS Charlie, Begin!!, Charlie jumped and aimed a kick at Sky but he blocked it with the hilt of his sword, she jumped back and made another assault, Bridge dodged another energy attack and turned to see Sky fighting

Charlie, he was holding his own pretty well and it made Bridge proud he turned to Marik " Alright chimpy it ends now " He began focusing his energy into the blade " Light, focus on the light " Sky narrowly dodged Charlies slash, she was very skilled, he expected no less from the A-squad red ranger, but Sky knew that he was better. Charlie began moving in a dance like fashion "

Dancing flames, inferno dance!! ". Her wrist blades caught fire, and her movements became a blur " She's using a sword dance! " yelled Riku. Sky closed his " Bridge I can feel you your light is strong, but our lights would be stronger together " " I agree cutie " said Bridge and they ley there energies meld Charlie and Marik went in for the kill, but Sky and Bridge opened there eyes and light

shone through. The sword of Seitens blade returned to its true form the blade no longer crimson, but pure white " Light of the world heed my call, clense the evil surface, wash away sin, Makai Tenjyo, Divine purification from evil!! Tendrils of light erupted from Bridges sword and wrapped around Marik till he resembled a mummy, The tendrils then disapeared and the regular Marik was lying

on the ground, the sword of Seitens blade turned red again, but Bridge knew it was okay " I have the power to preserve life and to take it, red and white back to back, nice " " He purified Mariks body of the demonic power " said Stefan awestruck. Simaltaneously Sky defeated Charlie " Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Ryu, Ku, Zu, Ryu, Sen, Nine headed dragon flash!! " Sky struck all nine vital points on

Charlies body, and the woman was down " Sky and Bridge are the victors, S-squad are the champions!! " yelled Mura. " Not exactly!! ". yelled an unkown voice. In a tornado of leaves, Kakashi Hatake appeard " Its Lightning soul Kakashi " said Gaara " He's a very powerful ninja ". Kakashi stared at the fallen A-squad " Pathetic, but at least now you can have some use ". Kakashi tossed

of his headband, and opened his left eye, It was black with red symbols on it, he pulled out five Kunai knives and hurled them at the A-squad killing them, " He just killed his own " exclaimed Sky " Why? ". A-squads souls rose out of there bodies and were absorbed into Kakashis eye, his bodie glew, and lightning crackled around his bodie. " Kakashis soul wheel eye, absorbs dead

souls and increases his lightning power " said Gaara. Blades of lightning appeared in Kakashis hands " Mura once ive killed these swine you will take me to the sword of Muten ". Mura chuckled " I wouldnt have a choice in that situation. but seeing as you wont kill these fellows, I wont bother to think about it ". Sky pointed his sword at the grey haired shinobi " Bring it on ". Kakashi said

from behind Sky " As you wish ". Sky wasnt aware what had happened till he was lying on the ground a gash across his chest and stomache. " Sky!! " screamed Bridge rushing to his lovers side, along with Stefan who began healing Skys wounds. Riku, Akira, and Gaara attacked Kakashi. Bridge was holding Skys hand wishing that he could use the sword of Seiten, luckily Stefan sealed

the wounds in a blink of an eye " He'll be fine " said Stefan and he rushed off to help the others, Sky sat up " That was pathetic ". Bridge kissed his cheek " Kakashis in a whole nother league, its not your fault ". They watched the others fight Riku and Akira were attacking, from both sides, but Kakashi was blocking easily, Gaara sent spikes of sand and Kakashi shattered them with waves of

electricity. " Go help them " said Sky quietly. Bridge was reluctant to leave Sky at first but the others did need help, he kissed his boyfriend on thelips and rushed off, Sky watched him go feeling utterly useless, Dammit he wanted to help, he wanted to protect Bridge. " You want to fight? " asked Mura. Sky stared at the sword smith his eyes full of determination " Yes! ". Mura smiled " Then come with me and I shall show you the path to power "...TBC

Next chapter: Wielder of Muten: Cut through all Ragna blade!!, till then
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