Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Precious

Chapter 5

by flying_angel 0 reviews

Just what happens before Ryuuzaki and Kairi's "not-a-date". Just little stuff, mostly.

Category: Death Note - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: L - Published: 2008-07-10 - Updated: 2008-07-10 - 1062 words

Didn't know what really to call this chapter, so I had 2 put chapter 5. XP Please review, and let me know if you have any chapter suggestions! you review mine, i review yours!

As Ryuuzaki walked through the doors to the meeting room, a cool wave passed over him. Ah, the luxury of air-conditioning, he thought. Not as good as sweets, of course. Yagami looked up from his laptop. Mogi and Aizawa were sitting on the sofa and looked up, too, when Ryuuzaki entered.

Ryuuzaki took his usual position in the chair in front of the many surveillance screens. He swiveled around in the chair, lost in his thoughts. But then something occurred to him.

"Yagami-san, where's Matsuda?"

"Oh?" Yagami looked up. "He went out, something about stopping at a fast-food restaurant."

"Always thinking about his stomach," Mogi grumbled.

"well, the boy's got to eat sometime!" Snapped Aizawa.

Ryuuzaki left them to their bickering and entered the bedroom. Light was laying on his back, looking at the ceiling, eyes closed. "Go away, Matsuda. I'm not hungry."

"It seems Mogi's not the only one in a temper," Ryuuzaki chuckled.

Light's eyes flew open. As they landed on the detective's face, a look of hope aroused on his own. "You're back."

"To state the obvious, yes."

"Are you going to call Watari to get the keys to un-handcuff me from this?" Light gestured by tugging his handcuffed hand, which was handcuffed to the headboard.

"Actually, no. I have things to attend to and cannot have you present while I attend to them." He watched Light's face closely.

Which turned into a mask of anger. "I've been like this for who knows how long, and you're off to do more stuff?! I thought you said you could trust me, and that you can include me."

While he put his finger to his lips, the boy replied,"Yes, I did state that. I did not, however, say that you are to be included in my private affairs."

Light went to argue back, but before he could, Ryuuzaki put his back to the handcuffed man and proceeded out of the room. As he walks back into the main room, his head is slightly spinning. The voices of Mogi and Aizawa in the background are disrupting his train of thought. He heads for the door once more.

"Ryuuzaki, are you leaving again?" Only Yagami-san had looked up.

"I suppose. I need to be alone to think about some things. I will still be in the building, though if you need me, contact Watari and he shall inform me." His spidery-like fingers reached for the door.

Yagami nodds.

Ryuuzaki left for the top floor. When confronted with the choice of stairs or elevator, he chose the latter, for his sugar was wearing off. Once there, he went into the last door on the right and locked it. It was a simple room. A wide window with curtains, a plain bed, nothing more. It was his.

He sat down on the bed in his usual crouch. The girl. Kairi. Thinking of her name reminded him. Out of his pocket slid her cell phone. A faint smile traced his lips. he remembered doing the same little trick to Misa-Misa. Although, Misa-Misa was more...annoying...than Kairi. He flipped it open and looked at 'received calls". It was there, the call from the coffee shop. She hadn't been lying. Well, he had to check, just in case. Sighing quietly, he tossed the cell phone on the bed. Kairi. He indeed, had forgotten that little encounter at the park, who knows how many years ago. One thing was for sure: she was persistent. He really shouldn't have agreed to go with her. He still had no leads on the Kira case, and more people were being murdered everyday.

Yet, she seemed more different than anyone he had ever met. She seemed to be concerned for him as far as his sitting position on the roof went. Ryuuzaki gave another, small smile. She also had fast instincts and was strong, too. The way she had grabbed him...No matter. But she was almost like....a ray of sunshine. It refused to go away, no matter how much you tried to run. It was decided. He would go on the 'not a date'. That, too, amused him. She seemed to get flustered when around him. What was that emotion called? But no matter how hard he tried, he could not think of it. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," He knew who it was, for only one person knew about this room.

Sure enough, Watari walked in. "I thought you might be here. Is everything alright?"

Ryuuzaki sighed. "I...met someone today. A girl."

"Oh?" Watari's mouth crinkled in a small smile.

"She's someone I met while at the Wammy of those times I snuck off. I got to talking with her, and I'm supposed to have coffee with her at six-thirty. In two hours."

Watari smiled, yet again. "A date, Ryuuzaki?"

This innocent question made a grin slide on the detective's lips. "According to her, it's 'not a date'."

"Ah," his friend said, a twinkle in his eye. "Well, I shall leave you to your thoughts."

He turned to go.

Ryuuzaki got up and stood by the window, looking down at the city below. "Watari," he said softly, so softly the older man almost didn't catch it. "What does.....never mind."

"Yes, Ryuuzaki," And with one final look of understanding, he left the room.

The dark-haired detective still stood by the window. Kairi, he thought. A ray of sunshine....


whew, that was hard on trying to make things pass the time. but as far as Kairi is concerned, will she become Ryuuzaki's ray of sunshine? find out in the next chapter (i promise not to make it as boring as this one!) but as far as another chapter goes, i'm very disappointed! i've had so many people read this, and not one person has reviewed! so i guess i'll do a ryuuzaki and say that if don't get at least 3 reviews, i shall not post another chapter on this series! i'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but it's hard to write when you don't have any motivation or feedback anymore!! :{
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