Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Lie After Lie

Enterna Soledad

by dtng101 0 reviews

'Jane finds out something weird and unexsepected'.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-11 - Updated: 2008-07-11 - 767 words

Jane's Pov.
'Fuck'I though as I got stuck in the window.
'I'am not that fuckin fat,I only weigh 135 lbs.
"Why I'am talking to a window"I said
Suddenly I felt a drop of water hit the top of my head
"What the fuck"I said
Soon other droplets of water started to hit my head.
It started to fuckin rain.
"Oh fuck"I said as it started to rain harder and harder.
"What else could go wrong"I said
Soon the wind started to get pretty hard and threw trash at my head
"I shouldn't have said that"I said
"Wait this is a good thing yesss it is"I said as I started to slip off the window.
"Oh Fuck"I said as I fell off my second floor window.
'Oh shit I'am too young to die'I though as I fell
I covered my mouth to keep me from screaming
When I fell,I fell on something nice and soft Humm I wonder what it is.
I looked down and saw what broke my fall.It was our trash bag.
"See I told my aunt that one day this trash bag will help us out on something,you are sacred"I said holding the trash bag.
"Honey somethings outside,go out and check"I heard a voice that sounded a lot like my aunt Carmen's one.
"It's probabaly nothing honey it's just a cat that wants to sleep on the trash bag"My uncle said
As soon as he said that I led go of the bag and put it were it was.
"Go and check Luis"my aunt said
"Fine Carmemn but you'll see it's just a cat,maybe it's your mind playing tricks on you since you watch to much of those susspence soape opears"said my unlce as I heard him climb down the stairs.
'Oh fuck'I though
I saw a near by bush and hid and hid behind it.
"See told ya"I heard my unlce say that and slamm the door
'woo the coast is clear'I though.
I ran supper fast thru our near by woods that had huge giant tress and a lot of dirt.These woods reminded me of the 'Blair Witch Project'.They were super creepy,if you ever wanted to kill someone you disliked very much this is your perfect place to do it,and espeacilly this time too.I though as I looked down at my watch that read 12 thrity am.
I started to laugh because the Blairs the friends of my aunt and uncle.They said that 12 am and 3 am are 'the evil devil hours' hilaraous huh.People these days always believeing everything people say.
So I started to run fast thru these woods that scraed the living shit of me.Then the cemetary that my supposly 'mom and dad' were buried came in sight'uhh finally I'am here,he better be right because I DIDN'T WENT THRU ALL OF THIS CRAP FOR HIM TO LIE TO ME'I though.
I jumped the lock gates haha'so ghetto of me' I though.Then I started to walk pass the graves to see which were my parents.Supposely my brother told me they changed their legal names to some other crap.So I looked at there origainal names.
Fred guerrero.
and Maria Guerrero.
"Bingo"I said as I accdentaly reliaze I was stepping on their graves.
"opp my bad"I said
I looked behind me to see if anyone was there,and I saw a shovel.
I ran over the mud and got it.
It started to rain harder and harder at the minute I started to dig up their casecets.
Soon all the dirt was gone and I opened my mom's cascet and nothing was there.'
"no it can't be right"I said
I then went to my dad's cascet and opened nothing was there too.
"WHY GOD,WHY..WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME NOW IN MY LIFE COULDN'T IT WAIT!!"I screamed up at the sky and soon it stopped rainning 'weird'.
I rested my head on the casecet and drifted off to sleep.
I felt soaked wet and I felt someone or something licking my face.I opened my eyes and saw a black cat licking my face.
"Eww,but hi kitty"I said while I pitt it.
I looked down at my watch,fuck I slept four hours here.It read 4 am.I gotta fuckin go I said as I put back the casects back in place and ran all the way home.
AUTHER'S NOTE Please review..
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