Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Future Made

Chapter One

by Immortal_Aussie 2 reviews

Minerva convinces Albus not to leave Harry at the Dursley’s and instead she raises him at Hogwarts

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-13 - Updated: 2008-07-14 - 712 words - Complete

Chapter One

Minerva sat at the head table with the four year old Harry sitting on her lap as the beginning of year feast was ending. It had been an eventful couple of years but they had enjoyed every moment of it. The other teachers had been a bit hesitant at first having a child so young inside Hogwarts but they quickly warmed to him apart from Severus who refused to see past his hatred for James. Poppy and Ro immediately took to him becoming his surrogate aunts.

Minerva ran her through Harry’s hair absentmindedly. Harry yawned and snuggled closer to her chest making her smile slightly. “Come on sweetheart, let’s get you to bed.

“’Kay Auntie Min,” he see sleepily. As they turned to get up he turned and said goodnight to his Uncle Albus who promised to play with him tomorrow.

Once they reached their rooms Minerva tucked her little cub into bed and told him a story of four pranksters that Hogwarts had never seen the likes of before or since. Once Minerva was sure Harry was asleep she called up a house-elf to ask if she could occasionally check in on Harry. She then made her way to the Gryffindor common room to check on her new students before her nightly game of chess with Albus.

The first few days of the new school year passed quickly enough. Harry had started helping Minerva in her lessons by handing out things to the students as well as starting his own lessons in reading, writing and maths.

The first years absolutely adored him and he quickly made friends with a few of them. Harry still watched the Gryffindor Quidditch team practice but sometimes joined them on the field with the training broom Auntie Ro gave him for his birthday to the dismay of Minerva and Albus but to Harry’s delight.

Harry crept through the halls of Hogwarts on his way to the kitchens. He had quickly made friends with the house elves there the year before when Uncle Albus had shown them to him. They loved feeding him all sorts of food though he loved white chocolate and raspberry cake. Auntie Min was always complaining about Uncle Albus feeding him so many sweets but he didn’t mind.

It was his Auntie Min’s birthday and he’d hidden his present in the kitchens as she never went there. Well he hid it there at the suggestion of Auntie Poppy who he ran into a few corridors away from the kitchen.

Harry and Poppy entered the kitchen and were accosted by the house elves offering them all sorts of food. They took a biscuit each and grabbed Harry’s present before heading off to their rooms.

When they reached Minerva’s rooms Poppy had Harry in her arms but when they entered he jumped out of them and ran to Auntie Min. “Auntie Min! Happy birthday!” He cried while running to her holding the neatly wrapped present in front of him.

Min took him in her arms and placed him on the couch where she sat next to him. “What do we have here sweetheart?” She asked him

“It’s your pressie!” He said like it was the most obvious thing.

“Well then, I’ll just have to open it won’t I?” Harry nodded enthusiastically at this. Minerva carefully unwrapped the present to find a red and gold stripped box inside it. She lifted the lid and found a carefully hand-knitted scarf inside it.

“Do you like it Auntie Min? Auntie Pom helped me knit it for you… well she did most of it as I didn’t get how to do it. Please tell me you like it…”

He was cut off when his Auntie laughed. “Harry, sweetheart it’s the best present ever,” she told him causing him to grin at her. Poppy watched the scene and felt her heart melt at how obvious the love between the two of them was.

AN: Thanks for reading. Remember to review letting me know if there is anything you want to see in this story.

Also I’m thinking of making someone else Harry’s father. Is that going overboard or what? Opinions are greatly appreciated
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