Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

I Believe You

by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2008-07-13 - Updated: 2008-07-14 - 812 words

As soon as I closed the door there was a knock. “Frank Anthony Iero go away,” I said swinging the door open. I was surprised to see Patrick standing there with a tear stained face.

“Ally, I’m…”

“Patrick I can’t handle this after today,” I said, he folded me into a hug and that’s when I broke down. The full weight of what could have happened came crushing down on my shoulders. Patrick just ran his hands through my hair and held me. After we stood in the doorway letting out the heat for a moment he pushed the door closed and lifted me into his arms. I just buried my face into his shoulder, breathing in his comforting scent. He carried me up to my room and laid me down on my bed then joined me after taking off both our coats and our shoes. He pulled me close, I could tell he didn’t know why I was crying, but he knew that I needed to be close to someone who cared. He wanted to be there for me and I was thankful for that.

Some how we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. We woke up to Jacob clearing his throat. I opened my eyes. They both felt swollen and puffy. The room was mostly dark I could just make out his outline standing at my door. “Alana, why is there a boy in your bed?” he asked.

“We fell asleep is all,” I said.

“You’re not allowed to have boys in your bed, that’s another reason I’m fixing up the basement…”

“Jacob, please I really don’t feel like another lecture.” I interrupted him. He turned on the light.

“What happened,” he didn’t even mention that I called him Jacob.

“Nothing, I…I just had a bad day.” I said. He didn’t believe me and I knew it.

“Okay young man you get out. I have to talk with my daughter now.” Patrick got up kissed me on the cheek.

“I’ll call you later to talk okay,” I nodded and he left. I took a deep breath.

“Tell me what happened and I want the truth.” I looked down at my hands, if I told him the truth he wouldn’t believe me. No one would. I doubt they would believe Frank either.

“Another Jamia thing only I didn’t fight her and now I wish I did.” I lied.

“Liar, you wouldn’t cry about that and you wouldn’t have passed up the chance to fight that girl again.”

“Maybe I was trying to make you proud.” I said.

“You could care less and besides that, believe it or not would have made me proud.” He said I had to laugh cause some how deep down I knew that. “So tell me what really happened.”

“I got detention.”


“Nothing. I got detention for no reason.” Hopefully he would take that little bit of truth and let the rest go. He took a deep breath and sat down next to me on the bed.

“And.” He reached over and took my hand, Mom I wish she were here. She would have let it go, and let me sort it out on my own. She would let me tell her in my own time, when I was ready to.

“Frank yelled at me.” I said.

“Frank yells at you all the time.” he said knowing better.

“My math teacher tried to rape me.” I said it in a whisper looking away from him. He reached around and grabbed my chin gently turning my face to his.

“You’re not lying to me.” I shook my head, and my eyes filled with tears. “How…far.”

“He only kissed me,” I said he got this relieved look on his face.

“Has he tried anything like this before?”

“Not with me, there was this other girl that had to transfer out cause no one believed her. I don’t think anyone will believe me either.” He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

“It’s okay baby girl, I believe you.”

“You do?”

“Of course I do, you have no reason to lie to me. Plus I can tell when you lie, you get this blank look on your face, like you don’t want any emotion to show.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “What do you say we get this man back?”

“No, it’s just a lesson learned. I don’t think he’ll try anything else.”

“What if he does, or worst he does it to someone else?” I thought about it, he was right. If he hurt someone else and I could have stopped him I would never forgive myself.

“What did you have in mind?”
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