Categories > Celebrities > Savage Garden > The Fortress of Silence

Chapter 4

by Iris 0 reviews

I think I'm just tired I think I need a new town to leave this all behind I think I need a sunrise I'm tired of sunset...

Category: Savage Garden - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Daniel Jones,Darren Hayes - Published: 2008-07-14 - Updated: 2008-07-14 - 773 words - Complete

The Fortress of Silence

Chapter Four

This was not the first time to walk away and leave things behind.
Why was it, he still feeling trifle insecure? The lack of stability was always the last thing he wanted in life.
He thought he’d had his decision made long ago. When the showbiz game got too boring, the schedule too hectic, the reason why he stayed no longer there. He remembered how he used to envy those people around him who could just leave it behind and go home.
Now he could do that, because the band which made his face recognizable all over the world had become part of the story he could tell his grandson one day, not the story he had to live each morning, evening and night. No more limelight and teenage scream. Just cherry wine and vanilla cigarettes. He’d always had an attraction towards his simple life.
So why was it, he still feeling disturbed? ...Life is an uncharted journey in which turning back is ruled out of possibility… Or is it?
Daniel told his wandering mind to shut up and tried to concentrate on the breakfast he was making.
‘Dan…oooww,’ Walter could be heard knocking on the front door while yawning out loudly. ‘May I get in? Coffee smells good.’
‘Certainly, the door isn’t locked,’ Daniel turned around in the kitchen and smiled evenly. ‘I never knew you’re such a morning person.’
‘Yeah, then you ought to have known that I’d never get up this early if something didn’t happen.’ Walter replied playfully.
‘What’s up?’
‘You’re wanted on my phone.’
‘Why is it your phone?’ Daniel asked, confused.
‘He doesn’t know you’re here.’
‘Then how am I supposed to be wanted?’
‘He wants to speak to you. I told him alright and let him wait…’
‘Who is he?’
Walter stared. ‘Are you interrogating me, Daniel?’
Daniel lowered his head and a fleeting smile flitted across his lips. ‘I’m sorry. Would you look after the eggs for me?’
‘Sure. I might also be lucky enough to have a taste of your home-made coffee.’
‘As long as you don’t drain it,’ Daniel responded over his shoulder as he stepped out to take the phone.
So this was it, this had to be what was causing his unsettlement. And it was about to end, wasn’t it? Daniel thought quietly.
He spotted the phone, picked it up and cleared his throat.
‘Hello there,’
‘Hello~,’ the voice sounded breathlessly nervous.
‘Sorry for keeping you waiting just then,’
‘Hmm, don’t mention it. I mean – it doesn’t matter.’
‘So… what is the purpose of your calling me?’
Darren seemed to be struggling for words.
‘I… just wanna know if you’re willing to produce Robert,’
Daniel emitted a slight sigh, followed by a light laugh.
‘I thought you were clever enough.’
‘You mean you’re not –?’
‘I have no time and energy to devote to the entertainment industry. Nor do I fancy a job as the producer of someone I don’t really appreciate.’
Daniel was speaking in a hopelessly polite and serious tone. Darren’s words seemed to be frozen.
‘…It’ll be a pity.’
‘I’m afraid so. But I must say he has a good voice.’
‘Do you have something else that I can help with?’
‘No – but wait, Daniel!’
The calling of his name sent a quiver through his nerves.
‘I…have something to ask…’
‘This is the reason why you chose to leave years ago, isn’t it?’
Obviously Daniel wasn’t prepared enough for a question like that.
‘Darren you –, yes I guess you could say that. But… I only walked away when someone pushed me into it.’
And Daniel heard a voice seemed terribly like a snuffle.
‘I’m sorry if I bothered you, Daniel, but I want to see you.’
‘Not now. I’m leaving for Brisbane this afternoon and I happen to know that you’ve still got a touring project in London, right?’
Darren fell silent.
‘We could rearrange that.’ Daniel’s words of resistance could sound like a comfort. Perfect yet annihilating.
‘Okay, so long then. Everything goes well.’ Darren muttered slowly.
‘Sure. Same for you.’
Putting down the receiver Daniel made his way out of Walter’s room, feeling the inner conflict could devour him any minute. After all these years he couldn’t stop the heartache whenever someone brought up their past, even though he knew it was far beyond retrieve.
Why taking the chance of some salvage that wouldn’t work any more?
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