Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 17 Going On 27


by heyepic 8 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-07-15 - Updated: 2008-07-15 - 5423 words

Chapter Three

Allison and Rebecca sat at the desk in her office in silence, papers scattered across the smooth surface. It had been a little over two hours since they had sat down to 'perfect' their project presentation. Rebecca was currently holding her head in her hands, groaning under her breath as her fingers were laced through her short locks. She took a deep breath and looked up at the woman sitting across from her.

"Okay," She breathed out slowly, sitting up straight again and lying her palms flat on the desk. "I'm trying so hard to be patient right now," She let her eyes flutter close. "So hard." Her eyes opened once more and she stared at Allison straight on. "I don't know what's with you today, but you're acting like you've never done this before."

Allison bit her bottom lip as her friend talked to her in a cool tone. If only you knew.

"I just... have a headache," Allison lied lamely with a shrug, her eyes flicking to the sheets of paper for the presentation on the desk. "Sorry."

Rebecca tapped her teeth together lightly as her eyes also scanned the papers across the table, "I think our work is perfect...but Joseph wants more." She sighed and shrugged, leaning back in the chair, her eyes shifting up to Allison once more. She motioned to the papers with a casual wave of hand. "I mean, if you have any suggestion, be my guest."

Allison's eyebrows shot up as Rebecca spoke to her. "Suggestions? Weren't you just telling me I have no idea what I'm do-"

"Nevermind," Rebecca groaned, letting her head fall into her hands once more, her fingers rubbing at her scalp. "Joseph is such a pain in my ass."

"He seems nice to me," Allison shrugged. Rebecca looked up from her hands, pieces of hair sticking out of her head in wild shapes.

"Nice?" She laughed shortly and rolled her eyes, running a hand through her hair and further messing up her hair. "Yeah, I guess you would think that considering the man bows down to you."


"Ever since you've begun working here, all he's done is worship you," Rebecca said. "I don't get it. I kiss his ass, too!"

Allison opened her mouth to speak. "Well, I-"

"Miss Jenning?"

The door creaked open and Jean's round face appeared in the doorway. She looked timid as the door slowly opened, and her eyes were slightly wide. Allison looked up at her questioningly and motioned with a hand to enter the room.


Jean hesitantly stepped in, her head slightly lowered with a piece of paper gripped tightly in her hand. She stopped near a small glass table and shifted nervously from one foot to the other. "I, um, have that.... Information... you needed."

Allison's eyes widened as she realized what it was. She jumped out of her chair and practically skipped across the room to the uncomfortable secretary. Gently grasping the woman's forearm, she pulled the door open quickly.

"We'll be just a sec," She called to Rebecca, who was smoothing her wild black hair back down again. She glanced up and cocked an eyebrow, but merely nodded in response.

Allison pulled Jean out of the office and closed the door shut, and then turned to the woman with an eager smile on her face. "You got it? Great!" She couldn't help the giddy grin that formed on her face as the woman's hands shifted nervously against the piece of paper. Jean bit her lip and nodded slightly.

"Yes, well..." She cleared her throat and licked her lips before glancing up at Allison. "I unfortunately couldn't find a...permanent... phone number," She paused for a brief moment before continuing, "But I did some research and found that he's in the city for a week or so."

"A week or so?" Allison crinkled her nose at this. Was Gerard a businessman now?

"Yes... I had to pull some strings, but I found out the hotel he's staying at," Jean said in a low murmur, leaning in slightly to the younger woman. "He's staying at the Marriott on the East Side. It's on Lexington Avenue at 49th street. He's in room 310."

"310, Lexington Avenue, 49th street," Allison repeated with a nod, memorizing it, her eyes fixed on the slip of paper Jean had extended out to her. She finally looked up at the woman and smiled warmly before leaning forward and enveloping her in a hug. "Thank you so much," She whispered into her ear. "This means so much to me."

Jean let a small smile form on her lips as she hesitantly hugged Allison back, patting her on the back gently. "You're welcome..." As Allison pulled back, Jean sighed softly. "I'm sorry I took so long with that, though. It wasn't easy... but a lot of people probably would not have gotten the information I did."

Allison smiled and patted the woman on the arm, earning a flinch from her. She quickly retracted her arm and let a laugh escape her lips. "Wow, seems he must be mister popularity, huh?" Gerard, popular? The thought was absolutely absurd.

Jean's eyebrows raised slightly as Allison joked. "Well, I would certainly hope so."

Allison frowned at this. What the hell was that supposed to mean? "What do you mean?"

"Considering that he is fa-"


Allison sighed and turned to Rebecca's booming voice and rolled her eyes. She patted Jean on the arm and flashed her one last smile. "I've got to go. Thanks so much, Jane!"

Jean put a hand up as to stop her. "It's Jean..." She slowly lowered her hand and sighed. Sitting back down, she shook her head softly. Typical Allison Jenning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hi, sorry about that," Allison greeted Rebecca, quickly making her way behind her desk. As she pulled her jacket on and reached for her bag, she heard Rebecca clear her throat and looked up. Rebecca was sitting in the chair stiffly, her arms crossed against her chest. Her hair, she noticed, was smoothed to perfection once more.

"Just where are you going?"

Allison smiled nervously as she slung her purse over her arm and made her way around her desk, tripping over her heels quickly. Grabbing the hold of her desk, she straightened her posture and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"I'm sorry, I have to do something, I-I'll be back in half an hour!" She apologized profusely as she hurried out the door. "Don't finish without me, I'll be back!" She called before shutting the door quickly and setting off in a light jog, trying to maintain balance in her heels. As she jogged down the hall towards the elevator, a smile broke out across her face.

Gerard, here I come.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As she made her way down the long hallway, she felt her lungs constrict and her stomach fill with butterflies. The same type of butterflies she'd developed the night of her junior prom as she was waiting for Ben. Which was... yesterday. She felt like an absolutely lunatic at the thought and shook it off. She was a twenty-seven year old woman, for God's sake! How was it possible for ten years to roll by overnight? It's not possible. She's just insane and had too much tequila. Yes, that's it.

She couldn't help but notice how secluded this floor was; there were maybe four doors scattered along the massive hallway, something that was not typical in a large hotel establishment. As her eyes scanned each door, she stopped at the end of the hall and her eyes locked on the numbers '310' branded in fancy gold plating on the door.

As she stood silently in front of the door, she heard male voices behind the solid walls, talking and laughing occasionally. Who else was in with Gerard? Fellow business partners, perhaps? She smirked to herself as she thought of Gerard as a businessman. No way. Swallowing and closing her eyes quickly, she raised a fist to knock on the heavy oak door. Rapping her fist on the door repeatedly, she waited patiently and felt her heartbeat speed up at the sound of footsteps approaching. As the door slowly creaked open, she heard a male voice that she could not distinguish.

"Guys, room service is here!"

Allison inhaled sharply as the door slowly swung open to reveal a grinning man with black hair and what appeared to be brown eyes. "Wow, that was quick-"

The man stopped short as he saw the woman standing in the doorway. A small silver ring was hooked in his lower lip, and another identical ring was hooked into his nostril. He was a bit on the shorter side; Allison was at least two inches taller than him. Her eyes widened in surprise as they stared at each other, and his widened slightly as well.

"You're not room service..." He said slowly, studying her face, the grin slowly fading from his thin lips. His eyes traveled down to her empty hands before meeting her nervous gaze once more. "...Are you?"

Allison took a shaky breath and shook her head. "No," She paused and studied the man before her for a moment before looking into his curious and questioning face. "And I'm assuming you're not Gerard...?"

The man shook his head at this and bit his lip between his teeth. "No, I'm not." His eyebrows furrowed as he continued staring at her. "Who are you...?"

Allison inhaled shakily again and glanced past his shoulders in an attempt to see the room behind him. "I'm...I'm sorry," She shook her head and frowned slightly. "I think.. I have the wrong room... I'm um, I'm looking for Gerard Way?"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you a PR representative?"

Allison shook her head, "No. I'm just... an old friend." She swallowed quickly and looked at the man with hope in her eyes. "Do you know where I can find him? It's really important."

"Uh..." He stopped and seemed to think a moment before he held up a finger. "Hold on." He turned quickly and Allison heard his voice clearly from behind the door. "Guys, time to pack your bags. We have another one who managed to track us down." Groans followed his command and Allison felt herself frowning again. As the man reappeared, she immediately spoke.

"Pack your bags?" She questioned him in bewilderment. "I don't understand..."

The man sighed and reached up to rub his temples before letting his hand fall. "I'm impressed," He finally said to her, a smile forming on his mouth. "I have to give it to you, you've impressed me."

Allison cocked an eyebrow at his statement. What the hell was he talking about? "E-excuse me?"

The man let out a breathy laugh and leaned against the doorframe, eyeing her with a curious twinkle in his brown eyes. He crossed his arms and smirked at her. "Who gave it to you?" He laughed again, a genuine and warm sound that erupted deep from his throat. "I'd really like to know, because I applaud them."

"I-I'm sorry," Allison stuttered at this, feeling unbelievable confusion wash over her. "I don't know what you're talking about. Who gave me what, exactly?"

"Who told you where we were?" He smiled at her and motioned behind him with a thumb. "You know, our hideout. You guys really impress me sometimes, you know. And I respect your admiration and all-"

Allison made a face. "Hideout? What do you mea-"

"It's fine, it's fine," He laughed again, a low chuckle. He sighed and stretched his arms above his head before letting them cross over his chest loosely again. "I'm not mad or anything, I mean..." He pursed his lips together and shrugged, "I guess we'll have to find another place to stay, but we're in New York... I don't think we'll have trouble finding one." He sighed heavily again and met her gaze with a sincere smile. "So, what would you like?"

"What?" Allison was taken aback.

His eyes scanned her quickly before shifting to her confused gaze. "You don't really seem like one of them," He commented before shrugging. "But I guess there's no real 'classification' for you guys." He paused a moment before flashing a smile, "So what do you want? A picture? An autograph? Hell, if you've got a video camera I can wave... or some shit... so you can upload it to youtube or whatever."

"Youtube?" Allison questioned, her eyes narrowed in confusion. What the hell was 'youtube'? She shook her head quickly and ignored his suspicious gaze. "No, no. I'm just here to see Gerard." She attempted to look past his shoulder once again in the room. "Is he here?"

"Frank, who's at the door?" She heard another male voice call out from the confines of the room and realized the man standing before her was Frank. He sighed and craned his head over his shoulder.

"Some chick here to see Gerard!" He called back. "Should I get Worm?"

Allison visibly tensed. What the hell was going on? She came to see her childhood best friend and instead was greeted by a short man talking about something called 'youtube' and shouting something about 'Worm". He didn't sound promising.

"I just want to see Gerard!" Allison protested in a huff. "Please, I need to see him!"

Frank turned and sighed, "I really want to let you see him, but I don't think I can." He paused and let his lower lip pout out before looking at her with big eyes. "Don't hate me, okay? I'm really not a bad guy!"

Allison sighed heavily and grit her teeth together. "What's the problem here? I just want to see him, even if it's for a minute or two. I just want to talk to him!"

"I know, I know," he nodded slowly with a sigh, "I can-"

"Frank, who is it?" Another male voice interrupted him mid-sentence. Allison thought for a moment that she recognized the voice, and felt her eyes widen slightly. Frank turned his head and looked over his shoulder.

"I don't know! She said she's here to see you!"

As he yelled back over his shoulder, it clicked. He was speaking to Gerard right now. Her eyes widened more and she leaned forward over his shoulder, attempting to look in the room. "Gerard!" She felt her voice raise as excitement rushed through her. "Gerard Way! Is that you?!"

Frank gently pushed at her shoulders, "Hey-"

She pushed back and stood on her tiptoes as she yelled into the room, "Gerard, if you're in there and you can hear me, I need to see you!" She took a breath of air and opened her mouth again, "Gerard, please! I have to talk to you! Are you there?!"

Frank sighed and looked over his shoulder, "Guys, I think it's time to summon Worm..."

Allison continued yelling over his shoulder and ignored his gentle pus, "Gerard! Listen to me! If you're the Gerard Way that lived on Salter Place in Belleville, then I need to talk to you!"

Frank slowly turned around, his eyes slightly wide at her outburst, before turning back towards the room, "Worm, guys! Now...!"

"Hold on, Frank," Allison heard the same voice murmur behind the door before the door slid open slowly. Allison held her breath and stood stiffly as the door slowly opened to reveal another man standing next to him. Frank stepped to the side to allow the other man to stand next to him and Allison felt her eyes widen at the sight of him.

He was extremely pale, with inky black hair that was a bit messy and just reached his chin, and piercing hazel eyes surrounded by smudged black eye makeup. He wore a slightly rumpled black suit jacket over a black button-up shirt and black slacks, making his pale skin appear even eerier. He was not a thin man, but he was not the chubby boy she knew ten years ago. His face had definitely thinned out and revealed high cheekbones and a sharp jaw line. Allison swallowed hard and took a step back as his eyes locked on hers.

"I'm s-sorry..." She stuttered, taking another step back. "I must... have the wrong room..." Deep down, she knew that the man standing here was her best friend from childhood, but she refused to believe that because this man wore more makeup than she did.

Frank sighed and motioned to the stiff woman standing a few feet away from the door before running a hand through his hair, "She's been asking about you," He shrugged. "I don't know how she found our room, but uh-"

Gerard kept his eyes locked on Allison as he parted his lips to speak, "It's fine, Frank," He replied in a low voice. "Give me a second, will you?"

Frank's eyes shifted between the girl and Gerard before nodding slowly, "Alright... if you say so..." As he turned to walk back into the room, he laid a hand on Gerard's black-clad shoulder. "If anything happens, yell red. Worm will be there in an instant." He patted him on the shoulder before glancing at Allison with a soft smile. "No offense, you know...I just-"

Gerard remained unmoving and sighed. "Okay, Frank."

Frank put his hands up in defense, "Okay, okay, I'm going!" He disappeared behind the door and Gerard slowly stepped out, closing it behind him. Crossing his arms across his chest, his sharp eyes scanned her before averting back to her face. He was quiet as he studied her. Yes, this was Gerard, alright.

"Um, I..." Allison felt a lump form in her throat as she attempted to speak. She forced out a laugh and looked up hesitantly into his intense gaze. "I'm going to feel so stupid if you're not Gerard..."

He pursed his lips a moment before exhaling softly through his nose. Allison bit her lip nervously as she stared up into his face.

"So, I-" She stopped short, trying to gather her thoughts. She looked up again, "I'm... are you...?"

Gerard's eyes studied her quietly again and she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke. "Allison," He finally said, his eyes trailing up to her face. "Allison Jenning."

Allison's eyes widened as she looked up into his face. He remembered her! Not able to suppress the grin that spread across her lips, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his frame tightly, letting her chin rest on his shoulder. "Gerard! I knew it was you...!" She whispered into his neck, ignoring the fact that he was not hugging her back and that his body had noticeably tensed. Finally letting go, she stepped back and saw a look of confusion plastered across his face.

"Gerard...." She breathed out, her eyes flicking over his handsome features. She noticed his jaw tense as she stared at him. "I... you..." she swallowed and smiled softly at him. "You've changed."

Gerard nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Yeah..." He cleared his throat and reached up to rub the back of his neck, looking down the hall briefly before setting his eyes back on her.

Her eyes studied dark clothing and odd makeup before she let out a small laugh, "I'm guessing you're not a businessman."

Gerard's hazel orbs widened in apparent surprise as he reached behind him to gently scratch the back of his air. "Um, no," he cleared his throat slightly and shrugged, never losing her gaze. "I'm uh, in a band."

"A what?"

He let his hand drop as his eyes narrowed slightly. "A band... you know, like... with... instruments..."

"Oh," Allison laughed quickly and nodded in understanding. Her eyes traveled down his stiff form quickly once more before she let out a slow sigh. "That explains a lot."

"Look-" He paused and exhaled heavily through his lips, looking down quickly. "What are you doing here?"

Allison's eyes narrowed in confusion as she took a step forward, ignoring the visible stiffness of his body again. "What do you mean? I'm here to see you!"

Gerard nodded slowly again, and inhaled sharply, "Yeah, I know that," He replied, slight annoyance in his voice. "But... why?"

"Why?" Allison repeated. She laughed to herself quietly and sighed, letting her shoulders slump. "Well... this is going to sound crazy, but..." She paused and looked up at him. "I woke up this morning, and I was twenty seven years old. But last night, I was seventeen and it was prom night and I was in my room and..." She stopped rambling to look up and see a look equivalent to disturbance etched on his pale features.

"You were... seventeen... last night?" He repeated slowly, crossing his arms again. He cocked an eyebrow at her quick nodding. "Which one is it?"


Gerard sighed. "Pot, cocaine, ecstasy? Which one are you on? You're obviously completely fucked up right now."

Allison shook her head and made a face at his accusation, taking a step back. "No, no! I'm not high, Gerard! I'm just confused. God, I'm so confused..." She mumbled to herself. "Gerard, look... I need help. I need... I just...I need you to help me."

"Help you?" He quirked a dark eyebrow at her.

"Yeah," She replied eagerly, smiling slightly.

"I can't."

"What?" She asked. "What do you mean you can't?"

"I don't know what the fuck you're doing here, Allison," he sighed, leaning back against the door. "I haven't talked to you in ten years. We're two different people-" He paused to motion to her professional outfit and then to his dark clothing and makeup. "-Isn't that a bit obvious?"

Allison glanced back and forth between the two of them before rapidly shaking her head. "No. No." She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise and sadness at his statement. "What do you mean we haven't talked in ten years? That's not possible!"

He nodded. "It is."

"But Gee," She replied in a soft tone, her eyes large as she gazed up into his stoic features. "We're best friends...."

"No," He replied in a low murmur, gently shaking his head. "We're not. Not anymore."

Allison swallowed hard and let her wavering gaze meet his. "You're serious?" He nodded as a response and Allison felt as if she couldn't breathe. She stepped back, feeling her back hit the wall across the way from the door. She reached up to place a hand against her chest and closed her eyes, feeling her arm tremble slightly. This was not happening. Gerard stepped forward, brief concern on his face. He tentatively reached out for her.

"Hey, you alright?" He clasped his hand around her arm gently and leaned in, worry etched on his features. "Here," He fumbled with his arm a moment before signaling to the floor. "Here, sit down. C'mon..."

As she slid to the floor and hid her face in her hands, déjà vu hit her like a ton of bricks. It was like junior prom night all over again. Her, sitting a mess on the floor, her face shielded by the safety of her trembling hands. As she slowly slid her hands from her face and saw Gerard's dark form hovering above her, the déjà vu felt as real as ever. Except that this version of Gerard was thinner, darker and oddly attractive..

She took a shaky breath as Gerard stared down at her with slightly narrowed eyes. "Hey, do you want me to call you a cab?"

"No, n-no," She shook her head, letting her hands cover her face once more. "No, I just.. I want... I just..." She felt sick. Here she was, sitting in a hotel hallway with the man she thought she was close with telling her they had not spoken in ten years.

The sound of a heavy door opening caused Gerard to turn around quickly, and Frank was in the doorway, his eyes wide as he stared at the girl sitting in a crumpled heap on the ground. His eyes shifted to Gerard, who had a look of distress on his face, and he sighed in exasperation.

"Gerard..." he looked at him in alarm, nodding his head towards Allison's form. "I think you should come inside now." He swallowed hard before firmly grasping Gerard's arm. "Before things get out of control."

"No," Gerard protested, shaking his friend's hand off. He sighed and looked down at Allison's sobbing form before running a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to do."

Frank sighed next to him, "It's easy, man," He replied. "Just call security."

Gerard shook his head, his eyes never leaving Allison. "I can't do that."

"What? Why not?" Frank groaned softly in the back of his throat and rolled his eyes, "Look, I know you love the fans and all, but I think she's off her rocker."

Gerard bit his bottom lip. "I think she's on something, I can't just throw her onto security."

Frank stifled his laughter as he looked down at the woman. "On something? Drugs, you mean?"

Gerard nodded. "Yeah..." He sighed and shrugged, "She thinks she's seventeen or something. I don't know, man."

"Seventeen?" Frank let his laughter escape from his lips as he covered his mouth with a hand. "Dude, what is she on? Whatever it is, I want some!"

"Shut up," Gerard sighed in annoyance, rubbing his temples slowly. "Just let me think a minute."

"Gerard, I'm telling you. Just call security-"

"I can't!"

"Why not?!"

Gerard took a deep breath before letting his eyes flutter close. "I know her."


Gerard shrugged and opened his eyes once more. "I know her," He repeated in a soft voice.

"You know her?" Frank repeated his friend's words slowly, his eyes narrowing and his arms crossing tightly against his chest. "Just how do you know her, Gerard?"

Gerard shot Frank a frosty glare, "Not like that, Frank." he sighed, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later." He looked down at Allison again, biting his lower lip. "Right now I have to figure out what to do with her." He glanced at Frank, who was staring at the girl with the same concerned expression as he. "Look, just... go back in the room. I'll figure something out."

Frank looked up. "What? Just leave you here?"

"I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


Frank shrugged before stepping inside the room. "Alright, Gee, whatever you want. But we're in here if you need us-" He took a step into the room before turning to face his friend quickly, "Oh, and remember, if something happens-"

"Yell 'red'," Gerard finished with a smirk and a roll of the eyes. "I'm fine. Really."

Frank sighed, "Alright. We'll be in here." And with that, he closed the door and Gerard was once again alone with the woman sitting in a mess on the floor near him. He leaned down in front of Allison once more and sighed.

"Allison?" He questioned softly, setting his hand on her arm gently. Allison looked up, her eyes watery and red and slightly puffy. He swallowed as her gaze locked on his. "Do you want me to take you home?"

Allison sniffed and nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes with her hand. Gerard nodded and stood to his full height once more. "Alright. Let me just tell my friends I'm going out. I'll be right back." He turned and opened the door to his room before disappearing behind it quietly. Allison continued wiping her eyes as she heard the low murmur of voices behind the door. She could not distinguish any recognizable sentences until she heard a shout.

"You WHAT?!"

Frank jumped up from his seat, eyes wide. Gerard took a step back as his friend advanced on him. "Gerard, you cannot be serious!"

Gerard rolled his eyes and put his hands up, "Calm down, would you?"

"Frank's right," Mikey spoke up from the couch, his eyes locked on a magazine in his lap. "You can't go out with some girl in the city."

"Gerard," Frank spoke up firmly, crossing his arms. "We are in New York City. Do you know how dangerous it is for one of us to travel out there alone with some chick? It's suicide!"

"Please," Gerard snorted, reaching for his wallet and a carton of cigarettes and shoving them in his back pocket. "You're a bit melodramatic. I'll be fine."

"It's not a good idea," Ray agreed, sitting on a stool near the kitchenette, drinking from a glass and watching a TV screen across the room. "At least take Worm with you."

"I'll be fine," Gerard glared at his friends. He shrugged and glanced around the room. I'll just grab something to disguise myself."

"Oh, yeah," Frank snorted, rolling his eyes. "A disguise. How brilliant, Gerard. A disguise." He frowned slightly, "Do you know how easily recognizable you are to the average thirteen-year-old tween? If you were dressed up as a chick, Gerard, they'd be able to spot you."

"And maul you," Bob, who had been quiet almost the entire time, added with a smirk.

Gerard reached for a pair of sunglasses and a black zip-up hoodie. "Here, look-" He paused to slip the sunglasses on and pulled his arms through the sleeves, pulling the hood up over his long, dark hair. He held his arms out, "See? I look different already."

Frank let out a laugh, "Oh, yeah, you look real different." He sat back down on the chair he'd been in moments before, his eyes never leaving his friend. He put a finger to his chin, "Except for maybe the fact that you wear that almost every day of your life. And that you wear that in a shitload of interviews which your devoted fan girls have seen. Besides those two itsy bitsy little details, yeah Gerard, you look like a regular guy!"

"Or a regular child predator," Bob spoke up again with another smirk on his thin lips. Ray and Mike stifled their laughter as they continued reading and watching television, but neither said a word. Gerard's head shot in Bob's direction and he cocked his head.

"You know, I'm really not in the mood for your smartass input," He sighed at his blonde friend. Bob shrugged and put his hands up.

"It's only an opinion."

"Whatever," Gerard rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in the pockets of the hoodie. He turned towards the door. "I'm just going to drop her off at her place. I won't be long." As he opened the door to step out, he heard Frank yell out for him a last time.

"You're making a mistake!"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, adjusting the black sunglasses on the bride of his nose. Stepping into the hallway and closing the door, he reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket.

Maybe Frank was right.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another monster chapter, yay! I hope you guys read it cause I worked my butt off on it. I've been trying to make my story slightly different from the original concept of the movie, so I hope it's working. If you've seen the movie hopefully you can tell that it's not exactly the same as the movie.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Is it too long? I don't want any boring 'filler' chapters or anything. I probably could have cut this chapter in two, yes, and had one devoted to Jean giving Allison Gerard's info and then another to her actually meeting Gerard, but I don't want to bore my readers. Please give me feedback, it makes me so happy. =)

Special thanks:

Littlepunkrocker13, Makes-Me-Wanna-Pray, Gerardsgurl07, xXBXx, -GuessWho-, cutegirl12356, linerover.

I love you guys the most!

And the MVR (most valuable reviewer) goes to:

ThreeCheersForMCR_x - You earned the title as my favorite reviewer, congrats ;). I'm really happy with your input, I'm so glad that you also rated my 2nd chapter as original, complimented my writing style, calling it a brilliant idea, etc. I just overall loved your feedback. Thank you!
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