Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Jamia Is Back

by Carebear_Assassin 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-07-16 - Updated: 2008-07-16 - 956 words

After two days of soup, tea, and my life being threatened if I got out of bed. I was finally allowed to return to school. It was weird having my dad take care of me when I was sick, my mother would have taken me to the doctor, I would have had a full check-up. Then she would have filled what ever prescription I had and sent me to my room. I would have had to fix my own food, I was basically on my own. Unless it was something really serious, but it never really was though.

“No fights, no detentions, just a normal day right?” Jacob said as I got out of the car.

“Yes dad just a normal day,” I hoped that I would be able to explain things to Frank and make things better. I can still see the look on his face when he saw me and Patrick kissing. Now I’m just seriously worried that he will hate me.

“Al baby what’s up where have you been the past two days?” Gerard said. “We tried to come by and see you but Jacob was guarding you like a pit-bull.”

“Yeah he told me that you guys stopped by. I wasn’t feeling too well and didn’t want any of you to get sick too. So what have I missed?” I asked.

“Oh…uh…nothing much, just we have a history report on the civil war.” he was hiding something from me.

“Have you seen…Frank today, I was hoping to explain things to him today.”

“Who, oh Frank…right uhm, he’s here today.” something wasn’t right.

“Where is he?”

“Oh you’ll see him later, but you’re about to be late so you better run to class with Erelin and Amanda.” then the came out of nowhere and both grabbed one of my arms and whisked me off to English class.

“Guys class doesn’t start for another twenty minutes. What are you doing,”

“You have a lot of catching up to do so we thought we would come a little early so we could help you out,” Amanda explained taking her seat next to me.

“Thanks I guess, do you know what’s going on with Frank. I asked Gee about it and he looked like he swallowed a cow,”

“Not a clue,” Erelin said a little too fast. “Now we started reading Catcher In The Rye, I guess we should start by summarizing what’s happened so far.” while they talked about the story I started to think of the best way of explaining what happened with Patrick to Frank. I hoped he wouldn’t still be mad.

Finally English was over and social studies went by fast too, but they were all acting weird even Bob when I asked him about Frank he just changed the subject. I hoped he was okay.

I walked into the cafeteria and got into line like I did everyday. I got my usual cold-cut sandwich and headed for our usual table. Half way there Mikey and Gerard each grabbed one of my arms and turned me away.

“We thought we would celebrate your return by going to McDonald’s for lunch today,” Gerard said.

“But I already got my sandwich, besides I kinda gotta talk to Frank,” I said stopping and turning back.

“Trust us that can wait,” Mikey said.

“Okay what’s going on?” I said I couldn’t take it anymore. This was driving me insane.

“Nothing…” Amanda said coming over to us.

“Than I’m going to sit at our usual table,” I said finally breaking free of the boys. Amanda rushed to stand in front of me and opened her mouth to say something, but now words came out. Now I was really worried. I walked around her and strolled up to our table. I dropped my tray when I saw Frank.

He wasn’t alone, Jamia sat with him. They were making out like there was no tomorrow. I suddenly wasn’t too hungry. I picked up my plate of food and emptied my tray into the trash can. Then sat down with a big thump across from them. Causing them to come up for air.

“Oh it’s you,” Jamia said.

“Hi Lana,” Frank said, with that cocky smile only it wasn’t cute to me at the moment.

“Frank, since when did you like KKK members?” I asked.

“You really shouldn’t be worried about that. You went back to the man who cheated on you with your best friend. I think I can over look, one of her flaws.” he said a flash of hurt went across his face. I wondered if my hurt showed on my face.

“I’m not…” I was about to tell him I wasn’t back with Patrick, but that wouldn’t have done anything, but tell Jamia that I just broken up with my boyfriend giving her more fuel for torturing me. “Never mind, I gotta go,” I got up and walked past all my friends. They had been standing back to see what I was going to do, too bad I had promised I wouldn’t do anything stupid today. Jamia and Frank would both be hurting.

“Al, are you okay?” Gerard said running out behind me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, I had to at least make it to the bath room before I cried.

“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”


“I’ll see you later Gee,” then I ran as fast as I could to the bath room, I really hoped that Amanda and Erelin wouldn’t follow me. I needed to be alone.
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